What is your special talent?


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Jul 29, 2009
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Everybody's got to have some sort of a talent, for example I can do a headstand (only for a few seconds) and a cartwheel. I also enjoy making stories up and pick up different languages really fast (especially French).

What is your talent? (It can be anything like touching your nose with the tip of your tongue or playing an instrument)

I do what I do; this is it.

^-^ Sorry. I had to.

I don't really have one xD I could talk though wet cement lol. Uh, I can sing..

I dunno lol.

I honestly cannot find my talent.

I can headstand for a few minutes really straight lol. That's it.

My art sucks. My writing sucks. I'm not good with music. I fail in the kitchen. I'm not too bad academically. My photography is a failure. I wouldn't be able to act if my life depended on it. I'm terrible with all sport. I can't even play video games.


My talents include -

Cart wheels.


Injuring myself.

Making innocent things sound dodgy.

Making extremely awkward situations


And I kick butt at debating.

I can only do a headstand for 5 seconds, 10 maximum. Which is really bad, but I'll try to improve. I always collapse under the pressure *sigh* I can't play video games either.

I really don't have a natural talent.

Something that I was born into and automatically amazing at.

But I love photography.

I think I'm just average, but my SUPER artistic friend says that I'm really good, and I haven't even been doing it that long, nor have I taken a class on it (yet).

I'm not outstanding though. (Hopefully that will change with the photography and graphic editing course I'm taking this year...)

I love to play my guitar.

I feel like a dork because I don't like picking or power chords or scales or tricks or licks or anything that sounds remotely skilled and cool.

I like to strum chords.

THAT I kick butt at.

And I love to sing while I play.


But I'm wayy to terrified to perform...

But this year, I made my way into the highest level chorus at my school, and for the Christmas concert, I think I want to finger pick Silent Night and sing it. :)

Or something.

It's a goal, to get over singing-stage-fright.

And I'm not amazing at singing/guitar playing.

Again, I'm just AVERAGE.

Buuut, I guess that's kind of it.

I can't draw.

I USED to write, but I don't anymore. (I'm working on song lyrics now, but I fail at that.)

I long and triple jump in track, but that I pretty much SUCK at. xD D:

Sooo... that's it, I guess?

EDIT: I'm good at public speaking though :)

But I don't consider that a talent.

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Umm. Oh wow.

Probably only playing piano. XD Singing, maybe too. But I've never got anyone's opinion on my voice so... :)

I have a few gifts. I'm very helpful (Or so my mom says), and I have a sensitive heart so I feel for other people. <33

S-I-N-G-I-N-G <333

Yeah, I take singing lessons and sing at theatres and halls and stuff.

It's fun.

I sing like, pop and Leona Lewis and songs like Hero [what I'm gonna sing soon]

& being a idiot, I just own that & arguing; I have never been defeated in a arguement.

You know what I'm good at?

M A T H S.

I'm not better than Weiwei, but I'm pretty darn good for people my age who live in my area. Like, I get excellent for it in my reports and get distinctions or high distinctions in tests. xD

I'm also pretty good at long jump, but not outstanding just yet. I think I've gotten to about three and a half metres, but I'm not entirely positive.. I should go ask my Gym Teacher :) But yeah, it's probably only cause I'm tall --- though Jen's pretty good too and she's not tall at all. Hehe.

I'm not bad at Netball and High Jump. But there's room for improvement.

I'm pretty good at acting, if I do say so myself. I'm pretty much good at all things theatrical. Actually--I just got into tech stuff and I'm excited to get even better at it next year. xD

I have an amazing memory. Not photographic or anything--but dude. I memorized a whole play which I wasn't even in. Like I don't know. I just--blah. Good memory.

I pick up other languages fast. Like French. I think in French now after like one year of it, which is pretty weird.

Piano. I play piano decently well. I'd be much better if I practiced more, but unfortunately I haven't been able to at all this summer because my piano's on the other side of the world.

Talking. Nobody can outtalk me.

And I'm an ohkay singer. Much better at writing songs. I love writing, and I'm pretty good at it. :)

That's it Katie. Whenever I meet you, we're having a talking contest.

I'm good at... Improvising. I usually use it to ace class projects after blowing them off for three weeks.

Like one time, during theatre class, we had to create a piece of abstract art, then explain to the class what it meant. The point was to express our emotions through artwork. I blow off the assignment till thirty seconds before I go in front of the class. So, I grab a sheet of paper from the copy machine and smear colored markers and crayons all over. Then, I go up there, and say, "I believe art is a way to convey emotions in a way words cannot. Therefore, I think attempting to explain the meaning of my art would contradict the point of the assignment, which is to express emotion in a new way without words." I got a 100. What did I learn? Absolutely nothing xD

Also, during tests on material that I am completely unfamiliar with due to the fact that I paid absolutely no attention in class, I look at the other questions for answers. Example: "4. What year was John Smith born?" Then turn a few pages... "23. John Smith lived from 1859-1912, what major industry flourished during the span of his life?" And tada, my answer. What did I learn? Absolutely nothing. xD

I don't know... I'd say figure skating is my 'special talent'.

I'm not very amazing, though. My highest jump is a double toe, for anyone who may speak skating talk.

Giving my friends therapy. I'm going to be a therapist/physicist when I grow up.


You know what I'm good at?M A T H S.

I'm not better than Weiwei, but I'm pretty darn good for people my age who live in my area. Like, I get excellent for it in my reports and get distinctions or high distinctions in tests. xD
xDD Canadian people just take more advanced math than Aussies. And I take ahead of the rest of the class, so yeaahh xD

I honestly don't know what I'm good at. Nothing, really. Well, I can learn things really fast, and I have a good memory.

oh, and I can also chug water really fast. I win at camp every year :D

Drawing is pretty much my only talent. x3

But I can not eat and play video games for 3+ hours straight. 8D

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