What kind of a child were/are you?


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Well-known member
May 1, 2008
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When I was little, I was a really nice girl. Except for a few things...

Once we found this glass bottle with my best friend, and my she had this brilliant idea: Let's brake it against a houses wall! So she had the idea and I threw the bottle. Then we saw a bench and thought: Let's go to bumb it so it falls! And we did it. Then this grumpy looking old lady came outta the house and started yelling at us really mad. We never thought we did anything wrong, so we started to be afraid of her and started calling her a witch. :D

Then there was this other time when we thought we could go to people doors and ask them for money and candy. We basicly went to every single door and said: "Happy May Day (It was May Day...)! Could you give us some candy? Or money?" And people actually did. :D They thought we were poor or something. But our parents got really mad...

How about you? Naughty or nice? :D

gd kid nice frend like teaches clevva good generaly

Generally, I was a pretty decent kid... not really.

Verbal fights constantly, occasionally physical too. Dissed people quite often, too. I think I might have sworn a lot when I was little?

But I'm still kind of a kid... for 3 more months, anyway.

I'm still a pretty horrible kid, but less physical fights and dissing, better grades, and I've gone from telling on people to cussing them out stupid.

So yeah, I was basically a horrid little child, and a violent older kid.

I was really shy. I would hardly talk to anyone, when people would make fun of me I would cry easily, too. xD But, then I made a really good friend and she helped me open up a little, I started talking more, arguing with people a lot more to, I wouldn't cry as much anymore.

So I really don't know if I was good or bad. xD

Kristin, it's hard to believe you where like that, x3D

I tried being cool. I tried to be everyone's friend, and when people shot me down and made fun of me, I cried.

A lot.


But now that I'm somewhat older, I don't really cry as much.

But I do get angry, which I'm sure is, (I hope), normal for a high schooler surrounded by people who can't shut up and do their work.

I've always been a pretty good kid, I guess. I'm very loud, but that's just a general personality trait lol. I've not really done anything like really horrible - I cut my hair once and I've broken things and not done my homework and failed maths a few times but, yeah..

The only thing I can think of is setting the stove on fire once Dx I was "cooking" when I was about 6 or 7, and whatever I was cooking caught fire and my dad came in and was like "34890EFKLJSDKAIODJEAKLFJASHAIO!NOOOOOOOOOOOOO." and poured water all over it. But I didn't get into trouble, he was just really scared that I'd hurt myself so I got hugged a lot and then him and Mum explained why we don't use the stove without an adult :)

A good and kindof dumb one, lol.

Everyone (mostly) loved me, I didnt really hate anyone.

But I wasn't at all...."clever" or whatever.

Really dumb, easily fooled, xD.

And I was hell prettier, I look disgusting now. xD

Now I'm way meaner, uglier, mishchevious, and hated. xD

But I'm better with now, though. <_<

I was a really good kid.

I never really got in to trouble, and when I did, I never got caught. I think I did pretty good at school when I was younger, too. I was such a happy little kid, me and my friends chasing boys but screamed if we actually touched them because they had germs. xD

Definitely a good kid. Better than others, I suppose. We all had our ups and downs. xD

I tend to get in more trouble now that I'm older, though. Because I do let my fiery anger get the best of me a lot. P:

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Sort of a boyish kid, really.

Not all that good, but hardly got into trouble.

I used to one of those annoying people who pounded their opinions on others and forced them to think that way.

But over the years I've managed to cool down which is probably for the better.

The teachers really loved me though; because of my huge imagination and creativity.

I loved showing off tubes of lipstick (made from cardboard and tissue paper) and stuff I made during art.

Now I'm still sort of the same .. but a lot quieter.

Really, I dunno. x3

EDIT; Ooh and I was the first person to tell the other girls off for trying to kiss the boys; I told them it was `grown-up stuff` and that `five-year-olds like us shouldn't be doing that.` maturemature.

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I got teases loads, cause of my glasses and didn't talk.....BUT SUPER NAUGHTY!

I called my teacher a old eggbox to her FACE!

I was actually rather quiet and intelligent.

Personality-wise, I could've passed for like a 13 year old when I was 8.

Was always smartest in the class, sometimes quietest, and definitely weirdest.

I never went with the flow. I hated everything popular xD

I was a real goody-two shoes. I would be really worried if I forgot to get my homework in on time. I had some nice friends but only one has lasted me all the way through primary school, secondary school, and to my kitchen table xD (I'm home tutored). lets call her unicorn. I was very shy and me and my best friend (lets call her red) would always make up some really random game. I got bullied around year five partly because I was shy, insecure and very self conscious. My temper stayed with me though. I also used to be a push-over and very girly. I'm alright now though. I'm loud, tomboy/emo-ish, I never follow the crowd, comical. I can be mean if I want.

I was always getting good grades as a child, and although i wasn't good all of the time, i never got caught, and therefore everyone thought i was a little angel. I was always unpopular and a misfit in school until about 4th grade when i made some real friends. When i was in kindergarten/first/second grades, i used to wear dresses all the time because i guess i was under the impression that i was a princess or something. I was somewhat morbid, too, i had such a dark mind as a child... But nowadays i have more friends, and i am a bit more normal than i used to be.

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