What kind of books really annoy you?


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1. The kinds of books that are a whole series of:Book 1: Oh no I broke up with my boyfriend!

Book 2: Yay I got a new one!

Book 3: Oh no my friend ditched me!

Book 4: Yay I got a new one!

...And on and on like that. They're lives are so unrealistic... :rollseyes:

2. Some fantasy books that are just: Oh no, the world is ending/this evil guy is coming to take over from another world. It's all up to this one thirteen-year-old guy with a hidden past and magical powers to save us all! I'm saying I don't like fantasy in general, I just don't like fantasy that is all the same.
...Oh, and I have one thing to add to my list:

3. This is a lot like number one but more specific: The Clique Books. I read one of them, and it was about a lot of wealthy girls who liked guys and had fights with their friends. I know a lot of people who are obsessed with those books...>.>

i sort of think the downside to J.K. Rowlan's books are that SHE KEEPS KILLING OFF CHARACTERS. so im like, STOP KILLING EVERYONE!! and NOO!! DONT KILL FRED!!

if she kills off Fred, why dosent Harry die? and like we dont CARE!
I know she dilabratly kills off every ones favorite characters...I hope she doesn't kill the elf guy, and JK Rowling, if your reading this, DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!!!

Random fact: JK Rowling's first name is Jo

I know she dilabratly kills off every ones favorite characters...I hope she doesn't kill the elf guy, and JK Rowling, if your reading this, DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!!!
Random fact: JK Rowling's first name is Jo
she does kill Dobby :( <_< :ph34r:

OH YEAH! theres been rumors of another series! YAY JK ROWLAN!

I know she dilabratly kills off every ones favorite characters...I hope she doesn't kill the elf guy, and JK Rowling, if your reading this, DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!!!
Random fact: JK Rowling's first name is Jo
That is not her first name her first name is Joanne but alot of people call her Jo so I guess it is practically her first name.

Oh yeah, theres something I don't like about Warriors: Erin kills all the best characters. ;_;

Tulip is right, The cliche books. Saw them in the store, I looked at them and looked away. They looked stupid, and anything with 'cliche' probably isn't a good read.

I haven't read past the 3rd book in HP. XD

And tamachick, I love mushy gushy love books. xD At least, Danielle Steele's. And that book... forever amber. 0_o

I also dislike Mystery, my mom wants me to read nancy drew but I just... can't... 0_o

[SIZE=14pt]NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :( :( :(
Yup, she killed Dobby. It's kinda funny, I was at this coffee shop when I read the part when Dobby dies, and here I am crying and everything.

I hate books that are...well, I have a big list, I'm really picky about what I read. I mean, I love to read, but I usually only read, like, one book every two months because I can't find anything good enough! Let's see...books with not enough description, books with too much description, books with no plot (with a few exceptions, books where they say what they're thinking, like "Hmm, the pages are ripped out in this book. That's weird." And there isn't even anyone to hear it, books that are always so happy happy everything's great happy happy. I mean, I like happy stuff, but it's just like...I guess it's like the no plot thing. Books (particularly fantasies) where they just talk...weird. Like...'tis your destiny or...well, it's just like the people don't act normal. Well, I do like those books, but just not the way the characters talk. Like "I know not"or whatever. And (this one kinda goes with the not enough description one) where it's just like: "She walked down the street, then stopped. Then she talked to the clerk." I mean, like, they say what the character's doing and that's it. No thoughts, no nothing!

There's more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

Yup, she killed Dobby. It's kinda funny, I was at this coffee shop when I read the part when Dobby dies, and here I am crying and everything.
Ok that's it I'm never reading one of her books EVER AGAIN!!!

Well, back on topic...Uh...I don't think there are any others.

Ok that's it I'm never reading one of her books EVER AGAIN!!!
Well, back on topic...Uh...I don't think there are any others.
NO!!! KEEP READING!!! YOU SHALL GET THE FORCE!!! OF READING!!! or at least something exiting happens, anyway. but its obvious. oh, and this weird thing happens. JK rowlan is so cheesy that way. and i like cheesy.

Yeah but Harry Potter has come to an end anyway.

Who stretched the page?
Off topic: I think it is cecibs siggy...

On topic: I also hate books that have no meaning.

e.g: Sam walked down the street, when suddenly he turned into a whale.

Off topic: I think it is cecibs siggy...
On topic: I also hate books that have no meaning.

e.g: Sam walked down the street, when suddenly he turned into a whale.
OFF TOPIC: Yeah I think I'm going to tell them to change it.

lol yeah, and ones that go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about one thing.

I can't really stand any book we have to read for school. Is it really necessary to have to pick apart every aspect of the story, looking up words and stuff like that? I'd like to just enjoy the book. :lol: In my opinion, having to read a book for school can make any book seem worse.

I also can't stand books made from movies, books that have really weird confusing fantasy in them, sci-fi, and non-fiction books.

Off-topic: Stretched Page. 0.o

I hate books for school most of the time, too. Pickign apart the book and looking at EVERY SINGLE DETAIL makes me start to hate the book. Honestly, it took us 3 months so far to read Tuck Everlasting, I read that book in 30 minutes.. >_> It's a great book, but it gets annoying now. It has 156 pages, I mean, honestly.

I also hate books that are 500 pages of absolute MUSH. (*cough*Twillight Series*cough*)

Well the books that really bother me the most are Harry Potter books.

I just think it's weird with all the magic and witch craft it has in it.

No offense to harry potter lovers,but I think it is from the darkside and it is demonized with all the little creatures and things.

I think it's one of those books that hypnotize you to think it's good but it is not.

So yeah,thats what I think.

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I hate books for school most of the time, too. Pickign apart the book and looking at EVERY SINGLE DETAIL makes me start to hate the book. Honestly, it took us 3 months so far to read Tuck Everlasting, I read that book in 30 minutes.. >_> It's a great book, but it gets annoying now. It has 156 pages, I mean, honestly.
This is one problem I've always had with way english is taught. Analyzing a book to bits sucks all the enjoyment out of reading it--no wonder kids don't read as much when books are associated with work and nothing more. I remember when we read Fahrenheit 451 in 8th grade, we had to catalog every single instance of figurative language. It was brutal, and by the end of it all I hated what is really a pretty good book.

Well the books that really bother me the most are Harry Potter books.I just think it's weird with all the magic and witch craft it has in it.

No offense to harry potter lovers,but I think it is from the darkside and it is demonized with all the little creatures and things.

I think it's one of those books that hypnotize you to think it's good but it is not.

So yeah,thats what I think.
Not to be mean, tama~bear, but thats kinda odd. I mean, demonic? I find it really inspiring, and if you think HP is bad, I'd steer clear away from fantasy, especially The Hobbit.

Gejitchi, that sounds horrible. They'd give us 12 questions on a 2 page chapter that would take up like 40 sheets of paper each night, and I'm NOT exaggerating.

I mean, it dosen't take 3 months to read a 156 page book.

Off-topic: Stretched Page. 0.o
I hate books for school most of the time, too. Pickign apart the book and looking at EVERY SINGLE DETAIL makes me start to hate the book. Honestly, it took us 3 months so far to read Tuck Everlasting, I read that book in 30 minutes.. >_> It's a great book, but it gets annoying now. It has 156 pages, I mean, honestly.

I also hate books that are 500 pages of absolute MUSH. (*cough*Twillight Series*cough*)
I agree with the first one but not the second one because I like Twilight. Although there is a lot of romantic **** in it...

Off-topic: Stretched Page. 0.o
I hate books for school most of the time, too. Pickign apart the book and looking at EVERY SINGLE DETAIL makes me start to hate the book. Honestly, it took us 3 months so far to read Tuck Everlasting, I read that book in 30 minutes.. >_> It's a great book, but it gets annoying now. It has 156 pages, I mean, honestly.

I also hate books that are 500 pages of absolute MUSH. (*cough*Twillight Series*cough*)
Yeah I told my Dad about my hatred (Okay maybe not hatred, but you get the point) of reading books for school and he went into the typical lecture of "Well when you do work and research on books it helps you understand the story better, and can help you enjoy other complicated books better when you're older." Sure he has a point...BUT STILL...

Oh and I love the twilight saga! :p

Well the books that really bother me the most are Harry Potter books.I just think it's weird with all the magic and witch craft it has in it.

No offense to harry potter lovers,but I think it is from the darkside and it is demonized with all the little creatures and things.

I think it's one of those books that hypnotize you to think it's good but it is not.

So yeah,thats what I think.
I agree with tama~bear :p .
