what kind of guy do you like?


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I think one poll asking what kind of guys ppl like is sufficient :ichigotchi:

I'm not sure we need another and another when you get more ideas on what options to add to your poll :huh:

* Moved to Non TamaTalk *
I think one poll asking what kind of guys ppl like is sufficient :ichigotchi:

I'm not sure we need another and another when you get more ideas on what options to add to your poll :huh:

Emo/Scene guys. They're soo hot. xD

Well, umm, I like guys who have, really pale skin(I'm not racist its just something I noticed), and corresponding eye color and hair color. xD

And a nice hairstyle. xD

He should preferably be taller than me, his face should be really attractive.

He has to be slim, not too skinny, but not too fat, and he shouldn't have hair. xD

Bad guys and villians are pretty good, too. Draco Malfoy xD

The last selection. :3

I like funny guys. I would like a guy who really loves me for who I am. Who doesn't call me sexy or hot. That's insulting to me. I like to be called beautiful.

Looks don't really matter, but a good-lookin' guy would be nice.


Edit; Left something out lawl.

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I always seem to attract the bad boys. The ones who do drugs, drink, ect. They're pretty much always older than me by at least a year. I think my innocent experimental stage makes me sexy xD Plus, I think I intimidate nice quiet guys.

I guess I like them too, they kind of.. Push my limits, you know? I don't get bored. In case you guys haven't noticed, I'm extremely curious and love taking risks. I try not to get in too deep, and I always make it out alive, so, so far, so good. Sometimes, I do get in trouble or hurt, but it's all worth it in my opinion.

Currently, I'm extremely attracted to a guy who isn't that bad in those areas, compared to what I've had before. He's making me defy every rule I've made for myself over the years, and yet I'm completely in love with him. The rules, such as, I'm not going to fall in love, I'm not going to tell my secrets, people are not to be trusted, the list goes on.

Let's leave it at, I like edgy personalities that keep me interested.

lol, I was watching a youtube video yesterday about nice guys, and how girls always think of them as "like a brother"

I actually prefer the nice guys :)

My idea of the perfect man;

Adam Lambert.

Sexy as hell, but sweet, intelligent and, very importantly, musical. Just not gay, that would be helpful xD

I'd just like a guy who could make me feel beautiful and special without being overprotective or clingy.

A shoulder to cry on, a guy who listens to me and knows exactly how to cheer me up.

I tend to fall for guys who are smart and decent looking.

And funny.

And make fun of me. If they didn't make fun of me, I couldn't be with them. I hate when guys are too nice to me.

---I like guys who have interests. I've been attracted to guys in student council, who skateboard, are into photography, play instruments, act, sing, dance, and play soccer.

Speaking of soccer/football, he should at least know the rules of the game and enjoy watching it. Because as much as I suck at it, I love watching the game.

He shouldn't overindulge me. Too many complements are bad. This goes back to making fun of me.

I'm kinda weird, I guess.

I tend to fall for guys who are smart and decent looking.And funny.

And make fun of me. If they didn't make fun of me, I couldn't be with them. I hate when guys are too nice to me.

---I like guys who have interests. I've been attracted to guys in student council, who skateboard, are into photography, play instruments, act, sing, dance, and play soccer.

Speaking of soccer/football, he should at least know the rules of the game and enjoy watching it. Because as much as I suck at it, I love watching the game.

He shouldn't overindulge me. Too many complements are bad. This goes back to making fun of me.

I'm kinda weird, I guess.
i agree ;)

someone who's a lot like me. (basically quiet and a good boy)

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David Cook. xD

Sexy, talented, someone who is passionate at what they do, not afraid to show their emotions, intelligent, and sees humore in daily llife. xD

I dunno. I hate boys who get in trouble but goody-two-shoes boys are really annoying.

I just basically look for funny. If they're boring, they're probably not going to be the guy for me. I also look for cute. They HAVE to be cute (I sound kinda dumb right there, don't I?). Then there's popularity, based on their friends, if they have no friends, that's kinda okay, if they have alot of friends any hang out with them more than me, it's not good, and if they have friends, and hang out with me AND them then he's okay. They last category for my type of guy is rank above others. So, like if the guy gets picked on alot... I admit, I won't like that guy. But if he is good to all the guys and they respect him, then yeah, he's good.

I'm picky, aren't I?

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