What Kind of Phobia


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Is wat u guys are talking about real medicle issue phobia or just fears??

Yeah im scared of death and dogs of their leashes. We went on a picnic 1 day and then suddenly come this dog trying 2 attack our food

I don't know if these are actual phobias yet, but I'm afraid of the following nonetheless.

* Fires. My house catching on fire, my hair catching on fire, etc. Like, bonfires don't bother me, but the thought of like, for example, my house catching on fire and being trapped in my room. It absolutely terrifies me.

* Kidnapping. It used to be really, really bad, but it's better now. I still HAVE to sleep with my blinds down and curtains drawn, my cell phone under my pillow, and my iHome next to me (my iHome's display is pretty bright, so I have a little bit of light), but that's not like what it used to be. I used to be terrified to fall asleep. I would sleep on the floor, farthest away from my window as possible, and cry and shake. It's weird, because I've never been kidnapped, nor do I personally know anyone that has. Just, being taken, and the worst part, people not having any idea where you are, terrifies me. D:

* Getting fat. I'm afraid of getting fat. I used to be anorexic. I'm doing better now, but it still bothers me. A lot. When I'm eating, I'm always like, "OH GOD I'M GOING TO BE OBESE." D:

Those are my three biggest "phobias". I'm also afraid of bees, same Goggle-Face.

EDIT: I forgot to mention my fear of surgery. The whole surgery thing... *shudder* Never.

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^That made me LOL so hard. xDD.

Dark. I am terrified of the dark.

Windows. I don't like looking out of them and seeing like another person look me right in the eye with a gun.

Chips. I don't like to eat them. I'm scared to choke on them.

Guns. If I hear a gunshot someone will be like GUNSHOT!!!! But I will have already been inside.

Mirrors. Bloody Mary. Nuff Said.

Lighting. I'm scared for it to hit our house.

Big areas. Like cities and such? Yeah I don't like being in Cuties for some reason.

Ghetto Areas. Who isn't afraid of these areas?

Baseball. I don't want to be hit by one AGAIN.

Strangers. Kidnappings+ Me= .______.

Furby's. It talked in the middle of the night moonlight hitting it it said "I see you" o_e.

Fire. I don't want to be burned.

Tornados. If I ever see one I will pass out.

Airplanes. I'm scared to crash ir something.

Car accidents. I've never been in one I hope I never will.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm scared of alot of things. xD

Hur, I found a weird one.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.

Mine are:

Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars.

Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.

Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs. (Only the really bad ones.)

Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed.

That's about it.



My brother's feet.

Losing a friend to a boy. D:

Bees, silverfish, and spiders closer than 5 feet to me and visible.


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I am very afraid of bees. I absolutely HATE bees. I scream and run when i see one, even if they're 10 feet away. One time I saw a bee on my deck and i screamed and jumped into the pool with my towel on, shoes, and glasses on.

I also have a fear of crumbs. I don't think there's a phobia name for that though. They're just so gross and icky. I see people scoop the crumbs off of tables and i'm like, "Ewww..." I can't touch them or else i'll scream and wash my hands off. I have no idea why, but i do.

What really scares me is kidnapping. We have no idea wat people do 2 others.

Hur, I found a weird one.Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.

I don't think anyone would have that Phobia. I think xD.

I'll just say.. I'm scared of pain and the dark. I sleep with my bed sheets over my face. And mom gets mad 'cause she thinks that I'm gonna die of suffocation xD.

Pain makes me faint - sometimes. Usually when I'm in pain, I shake or cry. That's something my real life friends don't know ._.

*Mild acrophobia: Fear of heights. I get a little nervous when I reach high places but since I usually stay away from places like that, its no problem.

*Escalators: I've hated them ever since I was young and always will. I often use the stairs instead unless I absolutely have to use the escalator.

*Algophobia: Fear of pain. I cannot tolerate pain at all. Very few things in the world are painless to me.

*Agraphobia: Fear of sexual abuse. No explanation needed.

*Mild claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces. Whenever I enter a sweaty and smelly bus or when I visit the grocery store and its packed, I can't breathe and I start panicking.

*Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions. I always have to rely on other people to make my decisions for me.

*Mild emetophobia: Fear of vomiting. Its not as bad as it was when I was younger but still there.

*Dental phobia: Let's just say that dentists are a living nightmare.

*Ergasiophobia/tomophobia: Fear of being operated on. I've never had a surgery but I can't stand it when I hear people who are having surgery in the emergency room. The feeling of someone slicing your body up, even when you're asleep doesn't tempt you much.

*Genophobia: Fear of having sex. Again, no explanation needed.

*Mild lygrophobia/phonophobia: Fear of loud noises. This happens sometimes, not always.

*Nosophobia: Fear of contracting disease. Even a common cold can make me nervous.

*Sociophobia: Fear of people or social situations. I don't know if its the fact that I'm abnormally shy or what but talking to some people unless its someone I know really well makes me nervous.

*Tokophobia: Fear of childbirth. I can't stand the idea of so much pain when you give birth. In movies they make it seem even worse than it actually is.

*Huge fear of insects of all sorts, even butterflies.

*Fear that someone is going to break into our house and murder us or rob us. Sounds stupid but I just can't help it.

*Fear of the dark, especially at night.

I'm sure there's more.

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Well, I have a few..

Mild Claustrophobia

Reptiles.. god, I can't even look at them in the pet store or anything without starting to cry or not breathe.

Spiders, centipedes, and other bugs like those.. I scream and such

And the same as .:Black~Sheep:., the fear or having sex

I HATE when I have those dreams where your falling?! I wake up and like cry. UGGH

Fear of working in groups with people that aren't my friends

Singing in front of.. anyone.

And more.

i have a phobia of; microfiber cloths, being bitten by snakes or any other poisenous animals and... being mugged, robbed or held hostile or at gun point

there's a difference between being scared of the ANIMAL ITSELF and the harmfullness of it, o i like spiders and would hold one if i saw one but i just dont want to be BITTEN by one

and im ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED OF..... [shivers] C L O W N S (O:>o

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