What kind of Tamagotchi is better?


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Apr 6, 2008
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Tamaluver9648 :p

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Hmm..I like them all but I picked v4 because It has mail and school and the jobs. :furawatchi: :wacko: :lol: ^_^ :D :gozarutchi:

Hmm..I like them all but I picked v4 because It has mail and school and the jobs. :D :p :D :D :p :D
yeah i agee, the v3 gets a bit boring, the v5 is ok to see what tamas you get...but the games are terrible and you cant do much. the v4 rocks!

I like the v5 because it is so fun having a family. And you always wonder what character or family you are going to get next. But I dont like the v4, because it is too hard to get enough skill points to get the right character and the v4 games stink. I have never owned a v3 and I like the shell designs.

I chose v5. I love how it's so easy to look after them.

I dislike the fact that on the v3 and v4, you need to complete a game fully or your Tamagotchi won't lose 3g of weight. I hated the jobs and schooling of the v4, I could never be bothered to send my Tamagotchi to school nor play the extremely long games. Once I actually bothered to time how long it took to play the games. It took 1min 50sec to play Jumping Rope, THREE MINUTES to play Mimic, 1min 30sec to play Shape, TWO AND A HALF MINUTES to play Dance and 1min 40sec to play Flag. However I did manage to get the patience to raise all of the secret characters, including Makiko even though Dance takes forever to play. Oh and I also raised Oyajitchi as well.

I hate the antennas of all of the versions, including v5. I'm right-handed but I prefer using my left hand to work the buttons of a Tamagotchi. Now if I use my left hand the antenna just gets in the way.

Sorry for all of my ramblings.

i like all. v3 because i love the shape and i have a great camo blue 1 they also have good toys and i love tamatown. v4s are ok i hate getting stupid mail all the time but mainly they are good.

v5s are the almost best- i love dating/shopping/travel show. they have a huge screen which is great you can change the contrast and have 1,2,3 caracters on the screen all at once

I like V3 the best. :D

I'm a simple person, I liked how convenient it was the the v3 had a shop, games, TamaTown, ONE tama, and a pause button.

I like my V5, but it annoys me how much everything cost, all it has is the TamaEXPO, you have to raise 3 tamas, and the games are impossible to win! :lol:


i prefer v3 out of those because after v3 tamas become more like people than the little pets i cared for and fell in love with! thats as advanced as i like them. 'GO V3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmm....it's a tough choice between the V4/V4.5 and the V5. I love both! I don't really like the V3. Not my favorite.

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I personally like the v3 more than any of them. 8D

i like the v3 games better, but the v4s overall. the v5s are kind of too much to handle

I prefer the v3.

It is a simple and fun tamagotchi. The characters are cool

and theres no skill points like v4/.5. V4 the characters is ok

I dont really like skill points and jobs. It might be a good idea

for others but I give the v4 thumbs down. The v5 theres not many characters

but they are SUPER EASY to take care of. The games are kinda chump though. My order (left is best right is worst)

V3 V5 V4 :D

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I like V5s because they are perfect for when you haven't got much time, they are super-easy to take care of, have the cutest characters and designs (in my opinion) and have really cool games and a great way of pausing them. just one thing...how do u change the contrast??


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