What languages do you speak/learn?


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x. L u n a

Active member
Feb 24, 2009
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Saturn =3
I speak Maltese (I'm from Malta =3)

I'm very fluent in English and Italian. I watch Italian channels everytime in the TV, and I understand everything too!

I learn French too, I'm very good at it =]

What are yours?

English, English and English.

I kind of fail at languages. In French, my friend and I have developed a routine that works very well. Whenever I am asked a question, she'll whisper it and I'll say it out loud. This doesn't work quite so well in tests, but that's when I force myself to do some kind of revision and usually get around 95/100 so that's alright. ;D

And in Spanish I'm a lot better. I can answer questions while sounding like I actually know what I'm talking about, so I can get some pretty good marks there too. I'll definitely be continuing Spanish when I get to GCSE level, but I'm dropping French at my first opportunity.

[in case you haven't realised by now, I'm learning French + Spanish. School curriculum.]

English, Chinese, Spanish, And Thai.

I'm best in English and Thai. I can speak Chinese, but I'm not like the fast-speakers in China or anything. That goes for Spanish too. I love Mexican accents xD They sound so...sexy. xD [i love speaking Spanish. It's like my life.]

I'm fluent in English, obviously, as it's my first language.

They're making a sad attempt at teaching me Spanish in school --- I can understand Spanish when I hear it, but I can't speak it for my life.

English, obviously. It is basically impossible to teach me languages. I can speak occasional Spanish, I've picked it up over the course of thirteen years. Still, the only messages I can get across are things like, "Where is the bathroom" "There's a mess on isle four" and "I want a hamburger" because most of the lower class jobs are taken by Mexican immigrants where I live, so I need to be able to communicate. Sigh. I'm a fail.

English and Russian are my main languages. I'm learning Spanish in school though. I do pretty good in that class. I can't pronouce things correctly but I understand it. I'm also learning Japanese.

I can speak a tiny but of Italian and French, but I'm learning Japanese at school, and I really suck and don't like it haha.

Ti amo più della vita in se

siete il mio sole e la mia luna e più dell'potrei sperare mai per nella mia vita che

li ho bisogno e ti amo più di chiunque dovrebbero amarli mai

li desiderano nella mia vita per sempre e sempre e non mi preoccupo che cosa prende affinchè noi sia insieme.

That's Italian, and I'm pretty sure it translates into:

I love you more than life itself

You are my sun and my moon and more than I could ever have hoped for in my life

I need you and I love you more than anyone should ever love

I want you in my life forever and always and I don't care what it takes for us to be together.


English is my first language.

Last year I took French 1. And I was pretty darn good at it. :)

But then I moved from the Junior High School to the High School. At the Junior High, they only offered Spanish, German, and French. Up at the High School, they offer those languages along with Latin and Japanese.

So I obviously dropped French, and am currently taking Japanese. :]

So I speak English, some French, and am learning Japanese. [To sum it all up.]

English, some Thai, a tiny bit of Vietnamese, and a tiny bit Spanish.

English is my native language, so I'm fluent.

I know a little bit of Thai. I know how to say words, but I can't spell them out or actually say them.

Vietnamese - I only know a tiny bit.

Spanish - some of my friends speak Spanish, so I kind of picked up a few words.

English (duh) and I'm learning Mandarin Chinese.

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Fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese && French

Sucky at Japanese

I speak English and Russian fluently.

We learn Greek at school, but I suck. I've been there for 7 years now and I haven't even learnt the alphabet by heart! Thats how bad I am...

All english!

It's hard to persuade me to speak another one since I always refuse.

And english is my homie language.

English is my first language.

In grades 5-7 I learnt German. I still remember most of it - I was pretty good at it too for a grade 7'er. :)

Then in grade 8 we had to do a term of Japanese. I hated it because it was so boring and I didn't understand any of it.

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