What`s Tamatown low bandwith?


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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I`ve got a question. What`s Tamatown low bandwith like? I`ve never been there cause` my mom won`t let me. Does anyone know? :blink:

I`ve got a question. What`s Tamatown low bandwith like? I`ve never been there cause` my mom won`t let me. Does anyone know? :)
Low bandwidth is just how fast/slow, (in this case: low), your computer software loads, etc. High bandwidth is how fast/slow your computer loads, aswell. :blink:


You can go into tamatown type in your username and it will give you a password for a passport. Basically, it's like a password heaven. Haha, you can play games to retrieve passwords for your tamagotchi. Or you can buy items or food, after you type in the pasxsword of course! You can visit your parents and grandparents. Recieve passwords from the trips your tamagotchi went on and win a few items. You can also visit the King, through a password that was given to you once you donated so much money and he'll give you a password that can be a ring, crown or costume...I find tamatown quit boring actually.

Hope I helped! :blink:

You can go into tamatown type in your username and it will give you a password for a passport. Basically, it's like a password heaven. Haha, you can play games to retrieve passwords for your tamagotchi. Or you can buy items or food, after you type in the pasxsword of course! You can visit your parents and grandparents. Recieve passwords from the trips your tamagotchi went on and win a few items. You can also visit the King, through a password that was given to you once you donated so much money and he'll give you a password that can be a ring, crown or costume...I find tamatown quit boring actually.
Hope I helped! :eek:

I`ve got a question. What`s Tamatown low bandwith like? I`ve never been there cause` my mom won`t let me. Does anyone know? :eek:
The easiest way to think of it is .

LOW BANDWIDTH = Dial up connection users (slow)

HIGH BANDWIDTH = Broadband connection users (fast)

The sites will still have the same opportunities for collecting souvenirs etc, but the low bandwidth will not have the music and animations that will slow a computer down on dial-up.

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