What should I do? I am tied in the middle?


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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2007
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Well I have a problem. Well my mom is in a really hard time right now. She is just so lovely and perfect. And she is going through a very hard time. Well my sister came over today to just hang around. And my mom was kind of stressed so she didnt really want people bugging her. Well my sister wanted to go yardsaleing and wanted to do all this stuff. So my mom said no and she wish she didnt come to my house. And so my mom is gone somewhere, my sister is crying, and my dad is yelling at me!!!! What should I do?

Just relax for now. Go outside, get some fresh air, and go to a quiet place for a while. Do something to occupy yourself. Maybe go in your room and play with some of your toys, or whatever you have. Write a story, put on some music, all of those things can help you calm down. Or maybe talk about how you are feeling with your stuffed animals. That makes me feel better. It really works, too. And come out when things have settled down. You don't need to be tied up in the mess if it has nothing to do with you.

Just relax for now. Go outside, get some fresh air, and go to a quiet place for a while. Do something to occupy yourself. Maybe go in your room and play with some of your toys, or whatever you have. Write a story, put on some music, all of those things can help you calm down. Or maybe talk about how you are feeling with your stuffed animals. That makes me feel better. It really works, too. And come out when things have settled down. You don't need to be tied up in the mess if it has nothing to do with you.
That's good advice.

Do something you enjoy that's away from all the hustle and bustle in your family right now- alone time is good. Plan out what you want to do, from that decide what you can do and then go do it. If you have pets, take them for a walk, play with them, talk to them- good thing about them is they'll listen. ;]

thanks tamaw/pants and GotchiGirl96 I really appriecate it! The thing is all my pets died this last past month. So no one to talk to. My stuffed animals all are gone. And I have no one. I dont know what to do. Things are settling down and its been at least 5 hours.

thanks tamaw/pants and GotchiGirl96 I really appriecate it! The thing is all my pets died this last past month. So no one to talk to. My stuffed animals all are gone. And I have no one. I dont know what to do. Things are settling down and its been at least 5 hours.
I'm sorry about your pets and your stufties. :[

Did you say you are Catholic? If you are pray to God- He always wants to hear you talk to Him. You can tell Him everything, maybe you're mad at the world right now or the sunset is gorgous, whatever it is, He'll listen, ;]

[i thought in your other board you talked about a bishop or something or other so I figured you were probably Catholic.]

I'm sorry about your pets and your stufties. :[
Did you say you are Catholic? If you are pray to God- He always wants to hear you talk to Him. You can tell Him everything, maybe you're mad at the world right now or the sunset is gorgous, whatever it is, He'll listen, ;]

[i thought in your other board you talked about a bishop or something or other so I figured you were probably Catholic.]
No I am mormon. But I have been preying really hard to him this last past 2 monthes. I always prey morning before meals and at night. So yes I do that.

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