What tamagotchi do you dislike


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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2010
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Somewhere over a rainbow
So you have to at least not like some characters in tamagotchi

which ones don't you like

*NOTE:please do not argue about others opinion about a tamagotchi they don't like,This was meant to be fun.This,In no way was meant to be a hate topic*

I personnaly can't stand lovelitchi or meloditchi.They are just overused and now tamagotchi is all about them now.I would probaly like them more if they weren't used so much

I dislike Necktietchi. But not like "rrrr! Got Necktietchi, gonna chuck my tama out the window", I'm ok with him, I guess.

I cant stand mametchi. He is. Eeh. When I get him Im like, "boring life cycle again". But As kutchipatchi love said, I wouldnt throw my tama out the window because of it.

Mattaritchi. OH MY GOD. I hate him. I WOULD throw my tama out the window if I get him again!

haha yea i always get him

but who i really dont like much is tororotchi

i AlWAYS get her and shes kind of weird too

Here's my list:

Masktchi-I never really liked this character. If I ever got this character on my tamagotchi, it feels like it's yelling at me saying,"YOU ARE A BAD TAMA OWNER! GO DIE IN A HOLE" or sumthin...

Paparatchi-This guy sorta reminds me of Michael Jackson for some reason, so it scares me...

Horoytchi-Ok, just by looking at it makes me wonder how it's a girl. Disgusting. :p

Osumotchi-I kept getting this character on my v5 since I fed it to much and I always get really mad if I saw one on my screen.

Tarakotchi-I remember I use to love this character a lot. But when I got one on my tamagotchi gb game, I was a bit dissapointed. But then it died a few hours later since I gave it too many snacks. xD

Lovelitchi-God, I hate this character so much now. It's not like I hate how she looks, it's just the fact that everyone loves her and is replacing memetchi/violetchi from the 'group'.

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Shiteketchi I absolutely hate! I also find some of the version 3 characters a bit unoriginal.

I don't really like Gaijintchi or Tarakotchi. They're not that cute, and I get them all the time.

Then, the frinkenstiens monster tama Decotchi, just freaks me out completly!

Minotchi - Eww....

Lovelitchi/Meloditchi - Too famous it's rediculous.

Masktchi - Looks depressed, as if she hates you now.

Kikitchi and Tarakotchi


kikitchi because i'm scared of monkeys in real life, and i really don't like having one as a tamagotchi. if i get that one it's an instant reset for me, reguardless of what generation it is. XD

and I don't like Tarakotchi because he's a naked chicken nugget and i find him very hideous >_> he's like a balding man that decided to be a nudist because of a midlife crisis. and reminds me of mc donalds.

this is a nugget from the movie and he looks just like it XD


I don't really like the ones with beaks like kuchitamatchi,kuchipatchi,tarakotchi,hinatchi etc.

Awwwwwwwww poor mametchi!thats my fave one haha!

And im dreading getting decotchi,ugly thing!

omg Tarakotchi... And Mattaritchi... To me, these to characters look really weird... =.= Evn kuchipatchi kinda bugs me...

I'd rather have Tarakotchi than Violetchi. She's adorable, yeah, but, she's to boorish. I need a character with some... Something. She's just too perfect and all of that goodness.

At least he's interesting with his weirdlookingness.

Really? Tarakotchi looks weird... =.= But honestly I'd rather have a Necktietchi to a Violetchi and Tarakotchi... And I'm fairly annoyed by Necktietchi... ><

I don't like nonbiritchi because he's too stubborn. I don't like tarakotchi :rolleyes: and kuchipatchi!

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I'm really not to crazy about Memetchi or Makkiko, but I don't even go so far as to mind that most of the smilies on the website are Memetchi-themed. It's not that big of a deal to me. When I have a tamagotchi that evolves into her, I treat it just the same as if it were one of my favorites: Kuchipatchi, Mimitchi, or Violetchi. Still, there's the part of me that questions why she's so popular. Ah well, right? :D

I don't like shitekitchi D: UGLYYY!!!!!!! Why are people hating on :ph34r: ??? XD Lol And decotchi looks like frankenstein......

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