What the heck?


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Ok my friends are being weird with their attitude towards me:

1. Some of my friends are ignoring me when I try to text/IM/email them....

2. At lunch today I asked my friend, lets call her J, if she wanted to come to my house after school today. She was like "Sure." and so I was excited because I re did my room and I wanted to see her reaction (I havent told her). So after school I was waiting for J and I saw her heading to the sidewalk. I walked up to her and said "Hey!" and she said "Oh sorry!" And she hugged me goodbye. I said "Wait, I thought you were coming to my house after school today." and she said "Oh, well, I wanna spend some time with my dad... because I haven't seen him in a while." But she's going to be spending the next 2-3 weeks with him and that's enough time. So she just flaked on me, putting me in a bad mood.

3. My friend, lets call her L, asked me last night if I wanted to sleep over at her house tonight. I said maybe, I'll tell you tomorrow. So the next day (today) in 4th period Spanish I said "Hey you know how you asked me to sleep over tonight? Well, I probably can I just have to ask my mom after school." And she replied "Well actually a lot of stuff went down and stuff, and my stepmom got mad so nothing's going on tonight." So I said "Oh." and just got back to work. Then in 7th period I went over to my friends, lets call them K and D and K was all "If we sleep over at L's house tonight we definitely have to do it." and I said "Wait you're sleeping over at L's house?" and K and D were like "Yeah." So I said "Well she told me nothing was going on tonight." and D said "Well it's probably cause I confused her." And just now on myspace D's status wuz that she was at L's house making ice cream and something about a treadmill. I was thinking WTF?! YOU SAID NOTHING WAS GOING ON!!!!

I don't get why she lied to me. If she didn't want me to come she could have just said something different.

All my friends seem to be flaking on me lately and I don't get why. It's been lowering my self esteem and I dunno what's going on with them.


I went through the exact same thing. Sometimes I can't rely on my friends. I'd go out and make some new friends. And they will probably realise how much they miss you and then come back asking to be your friend. If you haven't made many friends and still miss them alot, you can go off and be friends again. If you've mde plenty of friends who you love, than just say that they sorta ditched you and you dont wanna be around those type of people. Again, this is just what i would do. I'll let you decide this for yourself...

^ Making the new friends is a good idea except....

→My town's too small to meet kids my age

→I'm deadly shy

→My town is too boring to have people my age in it. No joke, there are only little kids and adults here >.<

[SIZE=7pt]Confront them.[/SIZE]

There could have been a mix up or mistake (but I doubt it).

They won't know they're doing something wrong unless you talk to them about it.

I've given out this advice before, write them a note asking them what's going on.

For some reason, this seems to work better then asking them in person at times.

About the thing with J's dad, if he just came back from being gone for a while then she might actually just want to spend time with him. When my dad came back from being gone for a long time I remember I wanted to hang out with him, not my friends.

Write a note asking them what's going on.

If you confront them they may get defensive, and that will only make things work.

If you find out they have a good reason, or they were wrong but they're sorry, forgive them, because they ARE your friends, and as long as it won't happen again, that's totally cool.

If they're just being spiteful for no reason, and they won't even admit to it, you may have no other choice but to forget them and make some new friends, from school or something.

I've given out this advice before, write them a note asking them what's going on.For some reason, this seems to work better then asking them in person at times.

About the thing with J's dad, if he just came back from being gone for a while then she might actually just want to spend time with him. When my dad came back from being gone for a long time I remember I wanted to hang out with him, not my friends.
No her dad has been here. But I guess she did want to spend some time with her dad because her family is very close so I wouldn't know, my family isn't that close

But about the L thing, there was something about L, D and K all going to a girl's (lets call her J.O) birthday party that I wasn't invited to that was the day after the sleepover....


Ok my friends are being weird with their attitude towards me:
1. Some of my friends are ignoring me when I try to text/IM/email them....

2. At lunch today I asked my friend, lets call her J, if she wanted to come to my house after school today. She was like "Sure." and so I was excited because I re did my room and I wanted to see her reaction (I havent told her). So after school I was waiting for J and I saw her heading to the sidewalk. I walked up to her and said "Hey!" and she said "Oh sorry!" And she hugged me goodbye. I said "Wait, I thought you were coming to my house after school today." and she said "Oh, well, I wanna spend some time with my dad... because I haven't seen him in a while." But she's going to be spending the next 2-3 weeks with him and that's enough time. So she just flaked on me, putting me in a bad mood.

3. My friend, lets call her L, asked me last night if I wanted to sleep over at her house tonight. I said maybe, I'll tell you tomorrow. So the next day (today) in 4th period Spanish I said "Hey you know how you asked me to sleep over tonight? Well, I probably can I just have to ask my mom after school." And she replied "Well actually a lot of stuff went down and stuff, and my stepmom got mad so nothing's going on tonight." So I said "Oh." and just got back to work. Then in 7th period I went over to my friends, lets call them K and D and K was all "If we sleep over at L's house tonight we definitely have to do it." and I said "Wait you're sleeping over at L's house?" and K and D were like "Yeah." So I said "Well she told me nothing was going on tonight." and D said "Well it's probably cause I confused her." And just now on myspace D's status wuz that she was at L's house making ice cream and something about a treadmill. I was thinking WTF?! YOU SAID NOTHING WAS GOING ON!!!!

I don't get why she lied to me. If she didn't want me to come she could have just said something different.

All my friends seem to be flaking on me lately and I don't get why. It's been lowering my self esteem and I dunno what's going on with them.

R they using u? If so, ignore them because they're not true friends. Make new friends at your school... I hope this info works! :D :D :D

i have friends i cant stand. one ALWAYS makes me feel bad about myself. She's like like, oh, i guess she's mor important than I am. and she started getting angry at me the other day for no apparent reason. i was at her house and she wanted me to help her bring somethin downstairs.

I did it, and she was like, OMG, like why did you take that down, i DONT want it down here!

Me: but you told me to!

Her: silence

Me:I'll bring it upstairs.

Her: No, no! just keep it!

Me: okay lets set it up!

Her: NO!

Me:Okay then let me bring it up!



[SIZE=12pt]Please confront them. Don't ignore them back, because if you do, it'll all end up into a fight. [/SIZE]
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You're in a pretty sticky situation...

You should either:

~Make new friends

~Make your not so nice friends jelous

~Ignore THEM, do what they did, and see how THEY like it (that's my favorite one)

~Tell an adult

If these people are upsetting you so much then I reccomend taking a few steps back and staying away from them for a little while.

Hang out with your other friends for a while before gradually going back to these girls.

They aren't treating you well and you deserve better.

Good luck.


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