What the name (kind of) you do have camera?


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I had a Nikon Coolpix. But My Mom accidentally dropped it and its dead now.

[no not the new fancy kind of Nikon Coolpix, the older kind from like, 2007]

My SLR is a Canon Rebel 1000D (XS) I plan on getting the T1i or the Mark III when I save up a bit.

My point and shoot is a Panasonic DMC F130. It's soo great. :3

I have a red Nikon coolpix. I just need a normal camera that I can use to take pictures on holidays, with my friends, etc.

My dad owns a Panasonic Lumix LX2. The only camera I have is on my cell phone and it has horrible quality. I barely use either the phone or the camera in it. A lot of the cameras I want are too much for our budget. D8

*removed - tactless & off topic*

I have some useless 5MP Technika [Tesco] camera. xP

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Pentax K1000. I only do film. It's very old, but it's a great camera and is still in excellent condition.

*removed - off topic*

My personal camera is a Panasonic DMC-FS3 pink camera. It's not like... BRILLIANT, but it's great for quick memorable pictures. =]

My mom has a Panasonic Lumix camera and it's bigger and better. I use that for my photography~

I'm really hoping someday to get a good Canon or Nikon. It'd be my dream. <3

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Like I said before, I Had a Ugly old plain silver Nikon Coolpix

This one. ---Old Camera-----

That one is dead now.

My Mom bought a new one for us...like a couple days ago.

This One- A Nikon Coolpix S220

I love it. It takes pictures way better, and its smaller/lighter than the other one, not ugly and bulky.

I have a Canon Powershot A59 IS. Got it for my sixteenth birthday. It's a good camera. I really love it. ;)

- Canon EOS 450D

- Some other Korean camera which I don't know the name of

- Some sort of Sony digital camera

...my house is full of cameras xD

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