What version of tama to buy?


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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
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Hey! :lol:

I've saved up a lot of money and was thinking of buying a second tama for myself. I currently have a v4.5, and I really like that version but would like to try one of the others. What would you recommend? ;)

Well if you like traditional tamagotchis I'd recommend the v4 or the Music Star, two of my favorite tamagotchi versions :) If you're looking for one of the more fancy versions, I'd recommend the iD L, because that is my all time favorite version. ;) Good luck with your choice! :)

iD L, for sure. I just got mine and I am LOVING it :lol: . But if you don't want to spend 75+ dollars on one, then I would recommend v3. I loved mine. Until I lost it :(

Aw, darn it. I was gonna suggest the V4.5. But you already have one.

The Music Star is pretty fun, but it relies a lot on Music City, so if you can't always get on the computer or if Music City loads slow for you, that might not be the best choice. But it's still fun without the website!

If you want more classic characters then a V4 would be a good idea, or if you want a huge amount of characters and extremely fun games, then the V3 might be better for you.

I wouldn't get the V5 though, because there's pretty much 2 games and you only name the family permanently. Plus, the website (Tama-Expo) isn't that fun either, in my opinion.

Everyone seems to like the music star, and I don't think you could go wrong with a v3. 8)

Oh! Good recommendations! Hmm... I'll count up my money to see how much I have. If I have enough, I really would like to get an IdL because it sounds so awesome! But if I can't afford it, I would get a v3 or v4. I wouldn't do a Music Star because my internet connection is kinda slow. And what is a v3.8- OH WAIT!!! I see what you did. You were doing a smiley face... sorry! :( But yeah, I'm on Amazon.com right now. I'll order on Friday, probably, and I'll let you guys know what I got! Hopefully I can get a iDL! But wait! Are those the Japanese ones? I'm just asking. I'd be ok because I can read some Japanese. Ok! I'll keep you posted! I'll welcome any other recommendations! :p

That's Great! Here are some iD Ls on eBay! I'm really hoping you can get one, then you can log about it! I'll be reading! ;)

PS I grouped them from least to greatest so you know which ones are the least expensive! :p

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I personally REALLY dislike the iD L, but since I dislike almost everything, I'm gonna recommend stuff to YOU, whether I like it or not.


If you enjoy the V4.5, well, I'm glad I'm not alone. That Shitekitchi just spolied EVERYTHING, on fifth generation too. If you're already considering the V4, I recommend that too. A V6 really would not suit you. The iD L seems to suit everyone except fussy people like me. I'm a fussy eater, fussy reader AND fussy Tamagotchi player, and the only iD L disliker on TamaTalk.


Overall, I'd go with a V3, V4 or V5. A lot of Tamas are what I describe as "a great Tama hidden under a veil of boringness", and if I could say one sentence to describe the V5, it would be just that. I got one V5, aged 8 or nine, purely for my mimi-collection, which at that time contained 8 or 9 Tamas. I thought it was the worst Tama ever; I hated the games, hated the no naming, hated getting bonding, hated the characters, hated the complicated growth. I was pretty careless about it, so I dropped it on the doorstep and it broke. A year later, I have a new V5, it is on third generation and it is my favourite Tama. But maybe the ID L and TAMA-GO are hidden under a veil of boringness too? And the many other Tamas I dislike? Who knows. Don't judge a book by its cover; don't judge a Tama by the first generation!


~ Dazzmina ~

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