What was the last thought you think you thought?


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Two things at the same time:

Awww, I wish you were on too, Emileeeee.

& I don't want another pretty face.

First one is self-explanitory. Second one was singing in my minddd!

'The "R" button is squishy, A, E I O U is saved, Down and left buttons are dead. [swear word]'

"I want the Harajuku Lovers Animal Crackers Num Num Watch so badly." and "Which watch should i get my aunt for her birthday."

Dad, buzz off and go to work already!!!!!!!!!>.<

He's rating on about mum -again!- and I'm not listening...... -.-

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Rawr TC laughed once again due to me.

When is the pie man coming to town!?

First one, self explanitory, second one, It was randomization at it's best. :)

Tama talk people are funny (in a good way).

EDIT: In a good way.

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Yep. I should really do that song for the lip sync with Kyle or Anthony

I'm planning to do either "Goodbye" or "Before he Cheats" for the lip sync competiton with either Kyle or Anthony. xD

Actually, everybody's last thought was "I think I'll click on this topic" otherwise they wouldn't be posting here. So this topic, if done properly, would never work. [/partypooper]

Sorry xD

I've been thinking how badly I want it to be Christmas right now. I don't know why, but I just really want it to be. I love the decorations and lights and snow and presents and mince pies and trees and carols and baubles and such.

-She- has absolutely no idea how much -she- annoyes us. And how we don't care about what -she- says. Now I completely agree with -the girl who hates her-.

Edited names for a reason.

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