What was the last word you said?


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It was "ERAK?!". I did this quizilla quiz about the ranger's apprentice guy who you'd be perfect to date.

The result was none other than [guesswho]. I was hoping for Will or Gilan.

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''Razy Senia. Bom Chicka Wah Wah''

On MSN, Weiwei said [K]razy [K]senia so I said razy senia and right now I just said razy senia in a gangster voice and then said bom chicka wah wah out of no where :)

"You have green fluff in your poop?!"

So it was poop.. Yes my brother is telling me about his poop >.>

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My cat, Smudge, had crept into my room and had just jumped onto my bed (on which he's not allowed) and I turned round and screamed because I hadn't heard him. I said "Aaaaaahhhh! Smudge! Get off!" and then he ran out onto the landing. Dad asked me if I was alright and I then said what happened and "My heart's going like CRAZY." See?


"So then I called him a gay unicorn".

Talking about some jerk at my school with the most flamboyant jacket ever.

a sentence. "I cant take it, do this pikachu oragami for me, dad!"

i got frustrated over this tutorial on youtube on how to make a oragami pikachu LOLXD


My leg started to twitch and I fell off my bed then yelled SPASM. I'm the only one home and my windows open. Randoms probably all like WTC.

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