What was the last word you said?


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"Get the packet of Uno cards and you'll remember"

I was talking to my sister. She said she didn't remember how to play Uno.

"How about them apples, hmm? They ain't organic fuji! -sssssss-"

I totally burned my brother. xD He said that I'm making 'extra zero sense.' We talk like that all the time. :'D

"Who cares, it's freaking Stachenscarfen!"

My dad was asking me for help in Professor Layton, but Stachen destracted me. xD

"I'M NOT COMPLAINING, I'M JUST THINKING OUTLOUD AND.. it sounds like.. I'm whining."

Mom thought I was complaining. Oh, psh. ~

"SCREW THIS! YOU'RE GOING ON REPEAT! -puts on repeat- -sigh- Better."

I put England's version of Marukaite Chikyuu on my iPod on repeat.

Enough said.

"-bursts out in uncontrollable laughter- I'm sorry, that's just hilarious."

My brother was sharing his experience of seeing our outside cat catch and eat a mouse. It was so unlike me to crack up, but it was the way he told the story. XD

nomnomnomnomnom. Mmm. Virtual cupcakes!
*steals cupcakes* MUHAHAHAHA!

"Tam-o-got-chi! Tamogotchi!" LOL I'm getting my first Tama today.

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