What was the name of your first tamagotchi?


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Mine was called Babt. (A v1 tama). I have no idea why I called it that :lol:

-ryta- ^_^

On my first tamagotchi (orange v2, died 2 years ago during a nasty incident with my coke) it was called Spike, and he was a furawatchi :D

My first two Tamagotchi Connection V1s, I named Alec and Leah. Both wonderful Mametchi.

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My very first tama's name was Razz. I loved that name. She broke very soon, though and I got a new tamagotchi named Fashy, who grew up to be a tarakotchi.

Zack. He grew up to be a tarakotchi, and then died during a tornado warning. Sigh the tornado was a couple miles away, but it still claimed his life... Last fall!!

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