What was the worst thing you've EVER done?


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I threw away a girl's retainer... on accident.



Break into somebody's locker and make a huge list of people's phone numbers.

Ditched one of my best friends. I feel incredibly guilty. Now she doesnt trust me anymore. But, we're still close friends. I will never get over what I did to her. When I saw he suffer, my heart just...broke down. I cried for weeks. Well, not non-stop, but I did cry.

Gotten high... and drunk. Whichever you think is worse.

Climb on the roof on a freezing, rainy day.

My friend was at a sleepover, and my house back then was like, incredibly huge and high, (mansion-like you could say) it was raining outside and all the rain was freezing to ice on the roof. Don't worry we didn't fall. :wacko: :wacko:

Would it be considered a bad thing to push my friend into a muddy, watery ditch on last year's residential trip? Naw, he did it to me first. xD

I pulled the border off my walls. And it took the wall off with it. D:

So I had big chunks missing out of the walls in my bedroom. My mom was soooo mad. Because we had to fill / puddy all the holes in the wall, prime the walls, and then repaint them.

I did this because I wanted the walls to my room painted.

It was so selfish of me. D:

I love the color of my walls right now, but I would take it back if I could.

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