What was your worse dream ever?


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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2006
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Usually on the computer
What was your worse dream ever? I'm just wondering.

Mine was when I went to a farm and there was a cow and a place that I thought was a hut, the cow decided to trot into the hut and then there was this big agony "Mooooo!!!", it looked fine when it came out but then a guy lifted it's back leg and tipped it upside down then the cows guts pored out it's mouth while it was still alive! :( It might not sound that bad but it was and I woke up crying and couldn't get back to sleep.

Ugh, so many terrible dreams. I get vivid dreams, which are very realistic and often horrific, so it's gonna be hard to pick just one.

When I broke my leg a couple of years ago, I was on some sort of painkillers that messed with my mind, so I got these crazy, far - fetched dreams all the time.

I remember one particularly well.

I was lying on the couch watching TV. My arm started itching, so I scratched it, but I felt a huge lump. I looked down, and the lump started moving. All of a sudden, my arm burst open and cockroaches started crawling out.

My mom told me I started screaming and thrashing around so much she thought I might injure my leg again. x,o

I married Elmo. It was weird because everyone was talking in Elmo-like voices and I was crying like crazy. o_O

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I went to school to find out everyone was trying to kill me. I ran and ran and ran and then the teachers started chasing me! I ran again until my friend shot herself. It was like it was real. *Shivers*

the worst dream I ever had was that Voldemort was trying to kill me

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It was really dark and scary, and it was raining blood (o_O) and all of my friends turned against me and tried to kill me.

I once had a dream were Fergie was stabbing my throate...I woke up, and my throate was throbbing! :p :angry:

I have so many bad dreams. It is really hard to choose just one...

I used have nightmares every night about cyclones and tornadoes. I always died. Once I had a dream that I was in the Simpsons episode, "Hurricane Barbara". I remember Apu standing on top of the Kwik-e-mart. :p

I also had a dream that my dad went crazy and tried to run me over.

latly ive been scared of kid-nappers ( dont ask. long story.) I had this realy vivid dream that my little bro and i were walking to the park and this bald guy with a

mustache/beard was sitting in the car next to us, and then my little bro fell down and got hurt and the guy was all like " oh well he can sit in my car if he wants to" and then my little bro hopped into the car and i knew that the guy was a kidnapper so i tried to get my brouther out of the car without letting the guy know that i was suspisios of him and then eventualy i grabbed my little bro and ran down the street and the car chased us and chased us and then the road ended and there was a huge trench underneath that was filled with wet cement (i know. its wierd) and i jumped and then i woke up screaming :furawatchi:

also when i went back to sleep i had anouther dream that i was in my clasroom and then these two GIANT posicales walked up to the front of the class and my teacher pionted to them and said" class, these are two perfect examples of honesty" :furawatchi: then every thing disapeared behind them and the pocicals both started to melt :ichigotchi: i know, its the wierdest dream ive ever had.

Oh yeah another time I got a bad karma on tamatalk and I wasn't allowed to post, it seemed so real and everyone was saying nasty stuff about me, even my friends. It was so...scary

I remember one of the worst ones.

My parents were having a party. I had a vision that a bus was going to come flying out from atop the hill and injure a lot of people. So the party came, and my dog and my mom were in the spot that the bus was going to hit. I pushed my dog out of the way, and it was too late for my mom. She got hit. I cried for people to call the police, but they said it would cost them too much money. I was with my dad for the rest of the dream, crying and searching everywhere for my mom. It was horrible.

I had another...

I was walking in the park with my sister Jahni, then we came to a cross walk. ut the light was green for the cars. then, there was all the animals Im sacred of! (Gorillas, Squarpians, some species of snakes) so then the light turned green we ran across the cross walk, but a snake crawld on my leg(Just crawld) so then a Freight train came and hit me and my sister and every thing went black.

I woke up on the floor, My garden snake was crawling on my leg because I was sleep walking and got it out of the tank and put it on my leg! O_O

I must have had worse dreams than this, but this is the only one I remember.

I was at school. There were vampires invading the school, and I remember that the secretary was in my room, and the vampires came into my room. They completely ignored the secretary, but they started searching the room. The teacher was gone- I suspect this is when we had conferences. I was hiding behind my chair, and they came so close to me I screamed. They chased me, and I ran. The principal was in the hallway, and she said, "No running in the hallways!" but I still did. She was like, "You guys too." The vampires started walking, so that is the only good thing the principal did in my dream.

Then, all I remember is a parking lot >D

3 are tied

Me and my mom and my sis were in my room wrapping gifts for christmas and doing crafts and i saw a small meteor coming through the window. i ran into my moms room then ran back to my room but I couldn't get throgh the doorway and i tried yelling but nothing could come out. the meteor crashed through my window and hit my mom in the heart. We started crying and ran down the street. our dad was actually really close to my house and we started crying telling him to cal the ambulance but he said "no no its ok."

the other:

I was in italy, and me and my bro and dad were walking and my dad stopped to sit on a bench. There was a rail that you could lean on and it was on cuz if you fell off it u'd fall into the ocean and my bro walked (hes five) over to it and the part he leaned on to see broke and he fell. I ran and grabbed his foot and was dangling from my foot. I was yelling for my dad to help but he couldn't hear.

the other:

me and my bro (same as above) were out in the backyard and my mom and my grandparents and my dad and my sis were in the living room and there was (this was from something i saw on tv) this plane falling and coming towards us. I told my bro to go inside and tell my family and to get some water in a cup and stay in the living room :)?) and then i tried moving but i couldnt. I tried yelling but nothing came out. i was THINKING "gotta get out, gotta get some water." but i couldnt move. weirdly i knew it was a dream and i was really calm.

i have had other creepy wierd bad dreams before that i cant remember or someting.

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