What were you like as a kid?


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008
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The USA.
Escape::Me's RP topic inspired me. XD

So what were you like when you were little? I was mostly quiet, not like now. o.o

I was amayzingly friendly.

Normal convo with me:

Me: HI! I'm MaRia and I'm -insertagehere-

Other person: Er.. Hello?

for appearance: I had spirally goldish hair and big green eyes and freckles. (not like now, my hair is darker and my eyes change shades of brown)

for behaviour: I was a bad child.. I would always try to get myself on the news by doing things like attempting to catch the house on fire, (although they were pretty lame attempts, I was only little) calling the police on a weekly basis, stuff like that, one time we were on a highway and I was in the backseat with my crayons and paper and I drew a sign that said "HELP ME" and put it up against the window, so I could be on the news for 'missing child' or something. Being on the news was a big aspiration of mine. Plus, I did the normal naughty child stuff.. break a few windows, pick on my brother, shove a polly pocket down his throat that he needed to go to the emergency room for, color on the walls... yeah, that stuff. And I wasn't quiet either, I was loud and often took my clothes off in front of the other children. >.<

Those were the days ;D

for behaviour: I was a bad child.. I would always try to get myself on the news by doing things like attempting to catch the house on fire, (although they were pretty lame attempts, I was only little) calling the police on a weekly basis, stuff like that, one time we were on a highway and I was in the backseat with my crayons and paper and I drew a sign that said "HELP ME" and put it up against the window, so I could be on the news for 'missing child' or something. Being on the news was a big aspiration of mine. Plus, I did the normal naughty child stuff.. break a few windows, pick on my brother, shove a polly pocket down his throat that he needed to go to the emergency room for, color on the walls... yeah, that stuff. And I wasn't quiet either, I was loud and often took my clothes off in front of the other children. >.<
O.O Wow. Did anyone ever call the police when they saw the "Help Me" signs? XD How'd you try to set the house on fire, lol?


I had these huge gold-colored glasses that made me look really geeky. It was horrible. ^^;;

^No. No one called the police, but every car was slowing down and peering at my mom and dad, they didn't know what was going on, lol.

And ehh... they were just stupid attempts. My computer had this big flashing light on the cord and I would always pile tissue and paper on it to try and make fire. And I would put paper in the lamp shades and stuff, and rub sticks together.. And I thought cotton swabs were matches so I always tried to light things with them ;P

I was very quiet and timid. Always so serious D;

I still am now, but not so innocent. ;ppp

I'm still a kid at heart. ;]

I don't really like who I was years and years ago, though. I guess I was just a tad annoying, and tried too hard to be mature. I was also incredibly girly. I was buying Barbies until I turned ten. The whole girly business never really went away, actually. To this day, I have an odd attraction to sparkles, and pink is still my favourite colour. And then there's also my unexplainable burning desire to be a Disney princess. [The last one was a joke. Haha. But seriously, I love them.]

I was really odd. Very... Outgoing. I didn't understand the concept of money back then, which sometimes led people to believe I was spoiled. I always got into so much trouble.

Another strange thing is that I was very curious. I liked to slit my wrists, because I liked to see the blood. Creepy, eh? I also broke glass in my mouth, which led to lots of blood.

I was always wondering about how things worked, like, how the TV shows got money.

I don't know much about when I was little. I always loved my older sister the most. and apparently from watching home videos, i loved to dance (dancing in my case , was just spinning xD .) I don't know much else, besides the fact that i hit my head often and fell down stairs frequently too.

I was friendly in kindergarten, too friendly. But I got really quiet and shy and would hide from people yet I was an amazing public speaker with such confidence on stage but off stage I wouldn't talk to people unless I knew them. Now i'm loud and over-confident.

I was over-friendly. Alot of kids would hide behind their parents when they meet new people. I'd come out, and introduce myself. And I had so many friends back then, it was scary.

I also tried to be very mature and good. I'd never let myself get in the slightest bit of trouble, apart from the day I kicked someone in the nuts cuz they stole my teddy bear.

I am still a child. No, literally. Eleven years old is still young xD

I still am a kid, physichally and mentally too. I'm 10. I used to be very shy. Still am.

I was the problem child.

I didn't sleep through the night at all until I was at least two - two and a half years old. I drank about eight bottles a night and cried relentlessly. I needed constant attention. I was an extremely high-matience child, and was always making messes. I hated sweets. I squished my birthday cake and refused to eat it on my second birthday. O: My mom told me that I was very beautiful, however. She said people in the mall would stop her and tell her that she had a 'beautiful baby'. (Pshh, yeah right! xD)

My brother was the easy-going baby. He slept through the night right away and was never a problem.

But our roles reversed. Now I am very independent, and my parents worry about my brother and have issues with him much more often than with myself.

EDIT: Typo.

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^When I was like nine, I was in love with the show Winx Club, and had convinced myself I was a fairy. o_o;

I was kind of shy. But I was really dumb. Like one time after I watched Pinnochio(SP?) I made a wish for my giant purple unicorn to come alive. I even got a present for it when it came alive. But you know what? It never came alive. Saddens me to this day.

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