What would you do if....


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I dont really have any =o

Fruit by the foot is a candy thing

What would you do if you got a million dollar room makeover?

I would say to the people doing the makeover "I want this and that and another thing etc." until I've told them everything I want. Then I'd say "Oh and can it be free even though it's called a million dollar makeover?"

WWYDI you found out that all the TV shows you've ever watched were cancelled?

I'd be angry, then watch them online

WWYDI Your computer exploded? O:

Buy a new one with the money in my bank account!

WWYDI I came to your house, knocked on the door and said "This is Teri from TamaTalk, give me all your chocolate!"

I would say "Hi Teri. You don't get Chocolate because I don't have any. -_- "

I would do nothing because you posted nothing! D:

What would you do if you got food poisoning on the day of an important test.

Kick you where it hurts back.

WWYDI I kicked you where it hurts?


I'd.... hit you on the head with a rake

WWYDII I hit you on the head with a rake?

Attack it back. Then bite it.

WWYDI I left Tamatalk forever? (Oh boy)

I'd be sad ):

WWYDII A random dude appeared at your doorstep asking for some cake?

Tell him I don't have any.

Then make a piece appear from my hand and give it to him.

WWYDI someone random came up to you and kicked your face?

Pet it.

Then proceed to give it back to you somehow. :V

WWYDI You saw a guinea pig in the street?

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