What would You do when you've been hurt by someone


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Jul 16, 2007
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In your closet
Ok, I had a good friend, and as I said, I am soo sensitive, well, she broke my heart.I don't know what to do! There is nothing I can do. Any suggestions?

I know this is hard for you (by your standards, at least) but can you be a bit more specific? We might be able to help you better.

/edit: Oh, and I am pretty sensitive. I think. But I react differently depending on the situation. I may shrug it off, I may be bitter, I may loose sleep, I may cause a fight, I may resent the person. It really depends. I'm also very very stubborn, so that usually has something or another to do with it.

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Hmm gee I dunno. One time when I fighted with my friend I just walked straight to her and said I was sorry. Then she said sorry and then we were friends again. If it is more serious than I think it is, then I dunno. Do something to say that your sorry or tell her how you feel. Yea I know it sounds cra.ppy but for some reason it works. Teehee. :(

If one of my friends hurts me, I usually just poke them in their stomache.

If you mean 'emotioinally' hurt, they don't ever do that. My friend's are nice, and anyways, I don't beleive that if someone says something mean to you, you should get upset.

*Girly*Girl* and I are talking things out through PM...

On the actual subject, I do have good friends in real life that probably wouldn't do anything to emotionally scar me or anything... My feelings aren't hurt very easily.

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Oh...I am sorry about that. Tell us exactly what happened, and we'd be happy to help.

Yeah it depends who started it and what was said so I can base an opinion of who I think is right.

It depends- I'm not exactly too emotional. xD If someone ticks me off or makes me upset, I shut up and be quiet in case I say something rude I don't mean to.

Now on tamatalk... I *try* to control myself. xDD

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Depends who's upset me. If it's someone that I don't care about their opinion I just try and think something to make me feel better ;) . But if it's someone who's opinion I think matters I'd probably just get a little upset/angry and all those other emotions :wacko: .

My feelings do get hurt easily but I haven't had my feelings hurt in a while. So you never know :D .

I've had supposed friends hurt me in the past. I've had toxic friends hurt me. I've probably had a lot of folks attempt to break my spirit down. This is why I'm very careful who I trust and who I don't. I probably have a few really close friends I'll even say anything to.

Anyway when I get down about someone saying or doing something, I usually just vent it out to myself when I'm by myself, listen to music and once I've calmed down, ask my best friend of many years if he wants to talk. He usually always makes me feel better and reminds me that it's their loss for not giving me a chance.

I would try to stand up for myself, and confront the friend that hurt me.

But as Rey Mysterio said, I would'nt want to take it all out on them.

I would say it in a nice fashion, and tell them that 'you really hurt my feelings. I want to be your friend, andI hope you know that I always will. But, me, I have a sensitive heart. As long as you can see that, I hope that next time it will be in your mind. Please, let's try and renew this friendship. Your a great friend, and we deserve eachother.'

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