what would you want in your tamagotchi


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My dream tama would have a touch screen :D But it would be like a v2 in everything else. It would also be able to send messages (like text messages) to other tamagotchis. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME DUDE. Also, the stylus would be able to stick into the side :D And, you had access to the tamatown v3 on the internet :D ^_^


I voted for cell phone!

it would be like a cell phone, because you would be able to 'text' your tama friends.

like you would go to your buddy list and choose a friend and then type a msg to them using the three buttons still and like on the screen there would be letters to choose from.. like a video game:p


i hope you understand that.. :)

and also it would have TONS of charatcers! lik all the charatcers from the previous versions, and only have one tama at a time to take care of.

i'm not a fan of the v5 if you can tell:)


. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

I would choose internet. so if theres somthing wrong with your tama you can go to tamatalk to get help right away!


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It would be a mixture of all of them!!!!!!!!!!! :( Plus, you would be able to connect to othertamas across the country or world! ^_^

I would have to go with wireless internet so you could go to Tamatown whenever you want to download items for your Tama!

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