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Aug 29, 2010
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My tamagotchi v4 was a Gourmetchi and it evolved. It was only 2 years old! Why did it evolve so young? It evolved into as Tosakatchi. Any help? Any questions? Just reply. :D :lol: :D

My music star would do that. It would change a couple of hours before it actually aged up.

But music star dosen't have gorumetchi, and Boomdynamite3000 actually said it was a v4, so It is truly strange... I don't know why it evolved so fast, try resetting and downloading to prevent more stuff like that from happening.

Sometimes the v4 will evolve a few hours before it should. Just a small glitch.

I know he/she said that it was a V4. I was just saying I've experienced something similar on my v6.

my musicstar allways evolves at 2Yrs it is suposed to.

anyway a v4 will do now and then it is nothing to lose your head over (v3s will do it to)

I know he/she said that it was a V4. I was just saying I've experienced something similar on my v6.
I see, sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. :(

Sorry off topic!! :wacko: :wacko:

You have been fiddling with the time so the years did not tick-tock past.Dont worry.Just be happy you have a funny character :angry:

My music star did that once. :D

I think it was because I reset and download because I left it at home unpaused while I was at school. :(

reseting and downloading takes back one year but does nothing to the ageing clock, it still goes as normal. ;)

I had a Nonopotchi who transformed into a Togetchi ath the age of 2 :D

Maybe you reset and downloaded your tama? :huh:

I hope im not getting off topic :p :wacko:

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