What's a random fact about you?


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I'm about to go to the dentist.

I dislike the dentist.

I flossed but my mouth always bleeds when I do.

I hate the taste of blood.

I hate blood.

I find joy in that Hajime Saito's eyes look like cat eyes. I lurve cats. xD

I love Souzou Sagara! 8D


I went to the dentist.

I have a cavity.

It was caused by my four years of braces.

I'm unhappy. Hug me. ):

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I'm going to meet Jen tomorrow.

I'm listening to Little Kandi Raver.

My mum loves Bradie.

But I love Andy.

I have eighteen minutes of free WiFi left! :)

I'm in New Zealand currently.

I met Michelle yesterday---it was amazing.

Michelle gave me Russian Fudge. It tasted amazing.

Michelle also told me a scary thing about hotel beds.

I haven't looked under my hotel bed yet.. -_____-

The guy at Adelaide Airport made me throw away my Up & Go's.

Today I went for a long train ride through the Southern Alps.

I saw parts of where LotR was filmed..

I tried convincing Mummy to go on a LotR tour but she won't go.

I'm in this room by myself and it's creepy as.

I find myself already talking in a NZ accent.

Yesterday Michelle and I went to JayJays and found awesome clothing tags!

I think the best one was; ''Do you know anybody called Eugene?''

I love the blue towel.

Michelle and I sat in the park yesterday drinking Red Bull.

There was this awesome 2-ish year old boy who screaned like a girl.

We went to the Museum. There we rode fake horses and giant bicycles.

Michelle put some photos from yesterday up in the Piccies topic ;D Woooo.

My feet hurt for some reason.

I refuse to go to my best friends birthday party.

I need a bath tonight.

Indie is in fact 4 months older than me.

No friggin way!

I need to find an avvie that matches my siggy.

But I don't know what to search in google images.

I made my fellow ganondorks something yesterday.

It's a fail picture.

I made it at 10PM in the dark.

In videos I somehow talk with a lisp.

My thoughts are in a British accent.

I want it to stop snowing.

Snowball fights scare me.

Especially since Austin plays baseball.

Austin is my punching bag of a brother.

I'm not fond of his girlfriend.

I hate dodgeball.

Samuel always drills me.

Samuel is my evil friend with benefits xD.

I want to shank my science teacher.

There's a group about him on facebook.

Nobody likes him.

He creeps on Austin.

A lot.

Anna is swimming right now.

Anna's my sister.

A certain girl that said I was her best friend talks about me behind my back.

To another girl.

Who tells me all of it.

I hate bxtches.

We're getting a dog this spring.

I want Snoopy to stop texting me.

Snoopy's name isn't really Snoopy.

It's an inside joke.

I'm most likely boring you.

So, I'm gonna stop for now.

I just saw the word "saga" and thought it said Sagara. -shot-

I almost just typed -s***- by mistake.

I'm a little out of it today.

I was out of it yesterday.

My hair is annoying me.

I love Howl.

Today in class was so fun :)

At lunch, we were shooting elastic bands at the boys :)

They didnt realize it was us until we told Samuel to move so we could hit William xDD

I sword/ruler fought with John, but I won, cause I threw my ruler at him.

I'm talking to Anika right noww :)

I just sneezed. :D

I never gave in! [Thanks to Kendal!]

It's my Birthday tomorrow! :)

I'm going bowling later.

I have so much to do, yet I'm still sat here in my PJ's on the computer.

Just PMed Maria. :)

I feel very smiley facey. :D :) xD

These PJ's make me feel like a special child.

They have sheep on them.

I want to build an igloo.

I love Russell Howard.

Last night, I dream that an evil spirit entered my body.

Creepy dream. :D

I'm down to two real life friends.

Because I told Indie that she just believed another vicious lie.

She mistook it as me saying "I lie"

So now I'm depressed.

My remaining two friends never even see me that much, anyway.

FML. Definitely.

Tamatalk is the only reason I passed my Health test.

I PMed Kay.

We netfight A LOT on ACWW. x3

I want to WiFi with her. 8D

If she can't WiFi then that's no prob. :)

We're going to Bugaboo Creek for dinner.

If I'm lucky I'll get that cute waiter again. xD

He smiled at me last time and I melted. *shot*

This topic is really fun and I enjoy it.

I remember some time last year I made a topic similar to this (before this one was created). But it died.

I can't really remember my dream last night.

I'd love to watch Lord of the Rings.

I'm thinking of my twinnnnn~ Becca! 8D <3333

Tryna play Two is better than one on piano, done all the main melody-ness, just gotta figure out if there's any extra stuff between the verses.

I already saw it! <3

I was very happy and I smiled.

I'm glad you thought of me, Kseniaa. I love you.

I missed Ksenia when she was gone.

I'm very jealous that she got to go to the place where LotR was filmed. <333

Me and Ksenia are webcamming on MSN.

We were talking about what we would do if she met me.

Now we have no idea what to talk about.

I had a dream last night and Krystal and Ksenia were in it.

We had a slumber party at my house.

We had a waterballoon fight, ate cupcakes, and made a fort on my bunkbed.

Me and Ksenia both agree that would be awesome if it happened in real life.

I'm watching American Idol right now with my family.

A lot of the people on that show concern me.

^ Krystal, Ksenia, and Kay! Three way K. xDDD And count me in! That'd be the best day ever.~

My cell phone has a Link wallpaper.

I'm sleepy.

I'm due for a Fangirling fit and Jae made me want to have one.

I nicknamed Jae, Juice.

I have a cup of milk.

Naaaaw, I do in fact love both Krystal and Kay.

But Krystal, I didn't get to go on the actual LotR tour D:

I still love both of you.

I like my yellow watch. It makes me happysome.

I am discovering new bands on a daily basis. :)

My mother dislikes the fact Sharpies are always in my pocket.

I got my High School stationary and backpack and such today.

My backpack is colourfully patterned with squares.

While my pencilcase looks like a colourful barcode.

I'mma get off the laptop now as I've been on too long.

I've just eaten a smarties egg x3

I can't wait to see my friends at GB tonight!

I want to meet all my TT friends D:

My back hurts.

I love Andy.

Jinx loves shaun.

I feel loved.

I am currently fangirling over kyouya outta ouran high school host club.

Ouran rocks.

I can't think of any more random facts!

I love howl too krystal x3

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