What's a random fact about you?


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^ Oh my gosh I love those jelly thingys. They taste sooooo good. But I also don't know what they're called.

I call them "Jellys". ^^


The ones I buy are called Go Jelly, so I also call them that. :p

My throat hurts like, reaaal baddd. D;

The Strepsil I'm eating right now is orange, but it tastes like that icky lemon & honey one.

^ I agree. Decent avatars are so hard to find, these days. D|

I just took a shower, and my hair smells so gooood.

I want to change my avatar and signature soon.

I have a pillow shaped like a heart, and yesterday I put it through the wash and it smells so good and I can't stop smelling it.

OH MY GOSH WHERE DID YOU GET IT?! I wish I could have one. ._.

Anyways, I am a vegetarian. (I didn't eat that much meat before anyway, so what's the difference)

I have a white helium balloon tied to the handle of the drawer that is next to me.

I got it at a pizza party yesterday :D

OH MY GOSH WHERE DID YOU GET IT?! I wish I could have one. ._.
I don't know! My mom got it for me. I could ask her, though! :)

I am very cold right now.

I'm thinking about getting one of my trusty sweatshirts.

@ Oh Star.x

Yay! Vegetarians unite! (hifives Oh Star.x)


Oh yeah! Cool... I thought you might have gotten it from a gift store or somethin'.

Anyway, my friend just got a DS, so I don't have to spend all my allowance on a DS for her anymore! =^w^=

-highfives mew0099-

I've had a blue lolly, a red lolly and a green lolly.

My tongue is a funny colour.

I've hugged loads of year seven boys today.

One asked me out. xD

I giggled at Keeley's guy hugging/guy asking her out comment. x3

I get out early tomorrow. c:

I'm reaaaally hoping to see someone tomorrow.

I feel the need to change my set, but I've got so much to do, I don't have the time.

I take... a really long time to design my sad little signatures.

I have a test tomorrow.

I'm meeting BTR in 5 days. ;o;

I made a new friend in PE today : )

He's in grade 9, hahah.

I feel like most grade 9s just ignore us grade 8s xD

I woke up at 5 in the morning just to keep reading my Harry Potter books. Now I'm very tired.

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