What's a random fact about you?


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I was the only girl in my class who didn't have an A in their name...

If Chris logs on real late just to talk to me then I feel really special :)

I just walked my dog.

I follow Miley Cyrus on Twitter.

Today I stole a Beta Textbook [i kinda need it] but it has the funniest thing ever inside it.

I'm currently listening to Poker Face by Lady GaGaaaa, MSNing Britt & Michelle & Weiwei, eating, talking to mum, doing homework and writing a letter to Michelle.

I feel multi-tasky.

I once drew on my teeth whilst being filmed in English class.


I write private things on the palm of my hand, lean my head on my hand, it then imprints on to my face, and my mum regularly asks me why is the writing on my face. I run over to the mirror, feel very embarrassed and say that there is a little man named Paul who lives in my room, hes about 10 inches tall, he wears a black hat, and he writes on my face during the night. 8D

I decided to add to this post.

It will now say this post has been edited by -Tamacandy at such a time =DD

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I get nervous for the most ridiculous reasons. x_x

At school, I get nervous.

Going someplace like the mall or walmart, I get nervous.

I'm so strange, aren't I?

I went to a pirate party.

I have a candy necklace.

Today, in town, I stalked these weirdo people who didn't utter a word of englidh and bathed each other in the Avon, which is a disgusting, duck shet filled river.

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