What's a random fact about you?


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The little girl from across the road just knocked on my door. Because I didn't answer in time she started shouting my name through the letter box! 0_0

I want to smash the TV because La Roux is singing on it. Sorry La Roux fans.

I know a really really really really bad swear, Barney Bunch.

It annoys me when my MSN is infront of my IE on my taskbar.
I'm opposite. I hate it when FF (I use FireFox :] ) is in front of my MSN on the taskbar. It annoys the living daylights outta me. So I sometimes close FF just so MSN can be in front. :)

I am pick-on-able, according to Weiwei.

I'm always very, very awkward.

People laugh at me when I play Netball.

Jen's and mine new favourite word is 'Paraceratherium'.

I'm not "obsessed" with Aubrey Graham anymore.. *emotional barf*

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I'm opposite. I hate it when FF (I use FireFox :] ) is in front of my MSN on the taskbar. It annoys the living daylights outta me. So I sometimes close FF just so MSN can be in front. :)
lol, I close MSN just so IE can be infront of it xDD

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