What's a random fact about you?


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My hand my be dislocated from playing violin. Both of my brothers hands look like they're dislocated.

-I'm hugging my toy piggy that I named emilee. It's all squishy and cool.

-I just took a bite from my chocolate :)

-I'm gaining an obsession with play-dough.

-I have never ever had a sprained ankle before

Correction, I have never had a sprained ankle until Saturday, April 11th.

-Soccer is the only sport that causes me to fall down [thus the sprained ankle. which hurts like hair right now]. Because I end up missing the ball when I kick it, and I look like an idiot.

- I have a habit of talking to the squirrel that resides in the tree in front of my house.

It will occasionally sqeak back.

I remember things that don't matter. (Dates I met people, dates that special things happened, birthdays of randoms, every Paramore; Cute Is What We Aim For; Mayday Parade and Green Day lyric and song that's been released on a CD.)

I am really, really scared of growing up/the future.

I love being an indivdual; I do what I do :)

The 18th of September, 2001 was the worst day, ever in my entire life.

^ =OO

i just made fraaandds with krystaloo..

xD [` Krystal]

I'm listening To keep Fishing///no wait it changed

Pork && Beans 8D

and doing webcam with my friend

and holding mah lizard.

-I'm deathly afraid of insects.

-I have mild OCD. Or OCPD. I'm honestly not sure at this point.

-I'm an actor. The stage is my home.

-I just realized there's an unhealthy amount of pink and red in my life.

-I'm addicted to Chapstick and I hate the way lip gloss feels on my lips.

-Despite the fact I freak out when I ride roller coasters, I adore the rush and thrill of it. And even though I hate the wait for the downs, I love the feeling of going down.

-I secretly buy Rockstars because my parents disapprove of energy drinks.

-I love to rhyme but it's hard to rhyme speechs so I'm gunna have to get Erin to help me.

-I love throwing random French into conversation.

-I named alot of my things after people here :)

-I am actually incredibly un-popular at my school 8D.

-My height is too big for my age.

-I am Esther's bright pink hoodie 8D (Featured in her current av).

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