What's a random fact about you?


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I hate spiders. To death.
Oh my gosh. This is off topic but there was a big white hairy spider in band, like the one Marquis smooshed wiht Mark's binder. I screamed xD

Random Fact : I love Playing the Bass Clarinet 8D

I'm wearing a fake tattoo of a butterfly with glitter and a funkey design across my wrist.

I'm anti-social. My dad tried to get me to go in his friend's house last week and I broke down into tears when his friend's wife said hello to me. I was in a bad mood for the rest of that day, and I had several meltdowns throughout the week following.

-I missed my acting performance yesterday ):

-I'm doing webcam with a friend.

-I just fed my cat.

-It's raining outside at the moment.

-I just had a dream where I dived onto Feebee and broke her neck D:

-I believe Twilight is the scariest movie on this planet.

^ Amen to that last one. ;]

I learned that when you rush to feed your dogs, the food ends up all over the floor.


I'm arguing with myself right now. Should I have oatmeal or not? I think it tasted bad, but I'm curious, and hungry. So I don't know what to do.

I'm having pasta with alfredo sauce and sauteed mushroms for dinner.

... and appajuice, of course. <3

I'm really addicted to Daughter of Evil right now.

Also, I want McDonalds.

I'm still procrastinating with those Washington pics. Dx

And writing letters to my English honies.

Oh my gosh. This is off topic but there was a big white hairy spider in band, like the one Marquis smooshed wiht Mark's binder. I screamed xD
Random Fact : I love Playing the Bass Clarinet 8D
We have a gourd in our percussion closet. e.e

I make random chao noises (like the ones where the dark chao stick their toungues out and go "blehh" on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (lets call its SA2B), its really funny)

I'm seriously afraid of throwing things out. I always feel I might need them. =[

and I'm obsessed with my cat.

Oh, also I'm trying to think of a Twitter username, so Help and PM me pleeaass


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