What's something you are currently very happy about?


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I'm really happy that this topic was made! It's nice to know that no matter what, people are smiling, and that makes me happy!
I agree. Also, it makes people come up with something that they're actually happy about, which reminds them that they can be happy about it. :D

My teal Tamagotchi color came in the mail today. 43 days earlier then expected.

that feel when ur dvd player finally works so u can watch those anime dvds u been meaning to watch

also i met the coolest guy ever

Today I went into town with my best friend and bought a tablet to use at night when my parents confiscate all my other technology xD I don't have it yet because it didn't fit in my bag so I couldn't take it home without my parents seeing it, so she has it and is going to give it to me at school tomorrow.

spending time with my cousin and laughing at the good ol' days today.

My one month anniversary was two days ago, and I'm still bubbling over with joy!

I know one month might not be that big of a deal, but I personally see it as an achievement.

I got an app on my phone that means I can download videos off the internet :D *downloads all Death Note anime to watch at night when the WiFi gets turned off*

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