What's something you learned today?


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Well, I learned this yesterday, but still...

Don't trust Kathy with anything. She freaking broke my camera.

And today;

Jen thinks mini Andy Clemmensen is cute.

I can't get all those 50 pics from last night onto my comp.

I learned so much in science...

I also learned that every school in North Delta [a city] has a triangle beside the school name. Most people won't know what I'm talking about ;]

^ I learned mikey is cute ;D

I learnt that Mikey wants to ride a plane to me.

And he likes the fact that I am the drummer in my band <3

That there IS a hobo living in our DT closet. I am 100% positive.

And Mikey is cute, but I have no intention of stealing him from Maria.

Which reminds me - Mariaa and Mikey, are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?

Haha, sorry. I'm so out of it.

I learned that playing 1hr 30mins of piano makes my right hand hurt. ALOT.

I learnt that Mikey wants to ride a plane to me.

And he likes the fact that I am the drummer in my band <3
OH! Don't you know I'm blonde?? Mikeyy is Pwnsome:]

Maria, You have no chance xD

^Thats not true DX

@Esther: I don't think we are, actually. We're just really good friends.

Well, I learnt that I have no chance with Mikey according to Huntr,

I might be going to Massachusetts either this year or next,

Dad doesn't want to ever go to Texas [darrnn.]

And Mikey's mum won't let him see me if I go to Canada.


I learned that my mom knows a bit more than I thought.

We went to Benjamin Beatles, a "hippie" store in town, that sells hemp, bohimian attire, and beads. I got two mushroom blown glass beads, one for me, and one for my friend. My mom was like, "Don't those mean you do drugs?"

Me: Nooo...

Mom: When I went to school, that's what the meant.

Me: Orly?

My mom kept asking me if it meant you smoked/sold pot when you wore one, and I kept telling her no, but that's exactly what they mean. xD (At least originally. But now so many people in my school wear them, that it really doesn't mean that anymore. I don't do pot -- I just really wanted one. 8D )

^ x3 Benjamin Beatles has these gorgeous bohimian (sp?) style dresses, and I want one so bad. They actually aren't all that pricey.

I really wanna go buy one. ;~;

I learned that I now have to pee? O: xD

Katie: That's nice. xD

I learned that my Baritone smells really bad. (Like dark chocolate and bathroom cleaner. ._____. Mixed together.)

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