What's something you learned today?


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Wearing a stocking over my head like people do to hide there identity makes me look creepy and traumatizes my friend.

Relearned that doing the dance to Thriller up the stairs is not easy.

My friend's brother know I'm a pervert. X3

Akito from Fruits Basket dies early because he's the head of the family.

Also Kyo's bracelet is supposed to be red and white not black and white.

Parents this year for Halloween are really really cheap. (A kid came to our door in regular clothing wearing a cheap plastic hat shaped like a cat. But the kid was still adorable and had a pound of candy)

Edit: If you click on the Halloween Google logo it changes from 1 candy and the end of the word Google, to Google spelled out in candy, to a pile of candy, and then the candy wrappers.

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Edit: If you click on the Halloween Google logo it changes from 1 candy and the end of the word Google, to Google spelled out in candy, to a pile of candy, and then the candy wrappers.
And when you click it a lot, it googles "Halloween" :)

Cigarettes CAN kill you. Honestly, I never knew that. Always thought it was a wives tail teachers and half the world made up so you don't waste your money for many and multiple reasons having to do with the Government. :huh:

That Jae knows odd words. xD

Also that she is miffed that I changed my avatar.

And quite a bit about Kingdom Hearts. I've been researching it. xD

I learned that I'm probably the cause of Jae finding out that Riley is from NT. xD

And I also learned the meaning of miffed. I googled it. :'D

OH MY GOSH. DO. NOT. EAT. CRY BABY GUMBALLS. I'm dead serious. They flippin' hurt my throat because they were so sour. I have it on video. It was about the worse 30 seconds of my life.

[SIZE=6pt]I loved it.[/SIZE]

Where Shannon Hochkins lives :)

Naomi wants to come to my party.

Lauren Myracle wrote another book.

I do have a major obsession with Alice In Wonderland.

The boss for Halloween Town was extremely easy.

I am getting closer and closer to beating the game.


I learned that I have a random urge to watch the Peterpan Live action movie.

Technology hates me;

My home phone is dying slowly.

I have no internet in my actual house.

Michelle Obamarama died (my iPod). But now I have Michelle Obamarama II!

My cell has problems and was absolutely stuffed this morning.

My DS won't charge.

Thankyou, TV. I love you.

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