Whats the best tamagotchi?


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i want a tamagotchi id! im so upset im in the middle of nowhere where there are no tama shops B) :( :(

but for now, i love v6!

Some of the best ones aren't listed. What about the vintage versions? Ocean, Morino, Angel, etc?

also arukotchi wasn't on there!! (you tell by my avatar i love it)

I agree with ipickee; what about the ancestors? I picked the Color, since iD wasn't on the list, but so far I think iD is the best Tama.

I want a tamagotchi ID but I can't go to japan :lol: :huh: :lol: :( :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :huh: :D :D :D

V6 is the next best thing

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