What's the biggest fight you've gotten into?


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Hm, interesting topic.

Well, I've been known to overreact. Constantly.

And this one time I blew up at my brother for making one comment about me and I slammed him to the ground. Which was stupid, because being three years older than me, he easily grabbed me and threw me into the wall, cutting my arm, and breaking my favorite white-board/chalkboard easel. D; I got back up and started beating him up, but my dad stopped us immediately. Then I just broke down and started crying. It was odd.. but we haven't fought bad since.

Hmm, probably when I was just a little kid (maybe 4 xD), I was on vacation with my family at some resort and they had a Kids Club. I was playing a 'Name This Shape' game on one of the computers at the Kids club and this little boy came up to me and asked to join me, and I said yeah. A star came up on the screen so I was typing in "Star" and the boy was like, "It's not a star, it's an X." and I was like "..No..it's a star" .. "NO, it's an X!" .. "No, it's A STAR!" and he pushed me and I fell off my chair and started hitting him.. and he ran to the plastic ball pit and we were violently throwing balls at eachother, until the supervisor lady came and 'broke it up'.

For the record.. it was a star.

Other than that I've never really gotten into any fights :p

I got into a month long fight with my best friend last year. Bottled up emotions just drove us both to the boiling point. We're better now, though.

I'm *usually* non-violent and against violence.

Do mosh pits count? :D

I started a fight with this one chick at a concert because my friend and i were right behind her and she was at the barrier and she was doing this annoying dance and like sticking her but out to make room for herself (mind you it was PACKED so there was no room for anything) and she was just being obnoxious. The guy around her wanted her to get out, but they could'nt hit a girl. But I could (cuz im a girl :D ) I did what you're not suposed to do. Put my elbows up and rammed into her. And there was biting and hitting and she got tossed over the barrier and was sent to the back :D

I hate fights.

I pretty much don't fight, not even verbally.

I'm a very calm person, especially with the people I know and love the most, fighting seems unnecessary :)

This one time.

But other than that no. But I know of a few kids in my school who did. If you don't want to imagine anything containing someone's mouth bleeding badly, turn back now.

These boys at my school were in a stereotypical fight, ie. Kids crowding, them in the middle, stuff like that.

Anyways, the smaller one was biting on his lip, and the other one went and punched his mouth. So, his lip was bleeding. And I mean BLEEDING. His teeth were in his lip, and he had to go to the hospital.

Stupid of the guy who punched him, eh?

I've been in lots of fights with my sister. The biggest ones are when she says something and I over-react and yell at her then we hit each other, I yell at her and storm off into my room and scream into my pillow.

Other than that, I'm completely non-violence.

I typically don't get into fights. I fight with my sister all the time, but it's never a huge thing.

Whenever I get angry at a friend, i tend not to yell at them to their face, i'll talk to another friend who agrees with me another time and get it all out of my system, and then maybe mention it to the person i'm angry at the next day.

My best friends and I fight, but it's all in good fun, and at the end of the day, none of us really mean it. :)

As for fights with enemies and such? Nothing really. I'm not really one to lash out at random people. o.o;

Where do I start?

About every week, my friends and I fight. I hate it. Drama, Drama, Drama.

Fights? I don't like them.

They're common, foul, and break people's friendships.

I won't say I'm a total pacifist, but I keep to myself - no need to get hot and bothered unnecessarily. ;)

Around February/March, I got in this huge fight with my now ex-friend. Her boyfriend was a huge jerk so I called him a bad name. She got so mad at me and after that, I went through this whole depression thing. I wrote tons of apologies to her and she never forgave me. Around April, I didn't care about her anymore and didn't bother. I found three new friends and ever since, my friend and I haven't talked like friends or anything. I learned something that day: if your friend is choosing her boyfriend over her friends, don't even bother caring 'bout it.

A few years ago, I got into a big fight with a girl from my school. It was probably my fault now that I think of it. I was being extremely annoying and I would probably do the same things she did, even though I was really upset about it at the time. It was terrible because I couldn't stop thinking about it. It seems like things are better now, she's pretty nice to me although we don't talk a lot.

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Well, I got into a fight at these park down the road. It was probably the biggest fight I've had. Then I've fought badly with my brother alot.

But, arguements... they don't usually last long.

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