Whats the latest tama?


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Well-known member
May 22, 2007
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My tamas play house!!
I haven't been on here in a loong while, so let me ask. What has happened since I was gone. I think i still have my v4 somewhere, but what is the latest tama out? How much are they? Stil 15 bucks? I had the green glow in the dark one.

Thanks. Are they still available at wallmart?

The latest tamas that have come out are the V5.5's. They're called the Celebrity Familitchi's. And yes, they're still 15 bucks.

Perhaps this should be in the What's On Your Mind section? :(

That all depends on what store you're looking at. The nearest Target store here has v5s, no Celebrity Tamas yet, and no more v4.5s.

Just so you guys know, the New V5's come in packages that say V5, they just come with a CD :)

So ya, that's the newest version, I know at the Walgreens near my home they still have the V4.5s. I'm sure if you go to a less popular Tamagotchi store they might still have them.

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