What's the Scariest That Has Ever Happen to You?


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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
Whats the scariest thing that has ever happen to you? I'm not sure if I have a scariest thing, but I have alot of scary things! here is one:

Ok once I was in the country with my causin and my brother, we went into this forest that was next to their home. Why we were walking I got this REALLY bad feeling, have you ever had that? Were it's like a bad vibe, and you feel so uncomfortable? Like something is going to happen. Well I go that and I said "I have a bad feeling about this place... I'm going back." lol like in a horror movie, anyway they called me a sissy for going back, but in the end I made the better choice. :p

I crawled under the fence and headed back to the tree house, I crawled up the ladder and waited for them to come back. All of a sudden my causin came rushing up and says, "THERE ARE DOGS IN THE WOODS! THERE AFTER ME AND JEREMY!" as I said, we were in the country and dogs there are usually really mean. so I'm like "OMG WERE IS JEREMY (my brother) ?!" he told me that he didn't know, I ran to the window and look down and sure enough, Jeremy is running threw the forest. But there was no sign of a dog they were at the other end running as fast as they could. Jeremy ran up to the tree fort. We looked down and saw the dogs but they didn't see us, so they turned around and left.

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Gawd, the scariest thing that's ever happened to me has given me a fear of being in the car alone...

I was like 6 or 7, and suddenly this weirdo lady knocks on the car door yelling "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT UP!" and I'm shaking my head *no* and then she was like "Aren't yo uhot?!?!" and I just sat there and stared at her. Then I looked over at her car *We were parked next to eachother* and her husband is smiling really freakishly o_o But here's the really scary part. The door was unlocked the entire time, she was just too stupid to open it up herself.

._. I hate parking lots...

omg thats scary! this is a nightmare i had once i was walking alone then this zombie grabs my leg and i go through the floor :p that was scary >.<

Gawd, the scariest thing that's ever happened to me has given me a fear of being in the car alone...
I was like 6 or 7, and suddenly this weirdo lady knocks on the car door yelling "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT UP!" and I'm shaking my head *no* and then she was like "Aren't yo uhot?!?!" and I just sat there and stared at her. Then I looked over at her car *We were parked next to eachother* and her husband is smiling really freakishly o_o But here's the really scary part. The door was unlocked the entire time, she was just too stupid to open it up herself.

._. I hate parking lots...
O.O wow! WHta happend after that?! did your mom come.. or did she just leave... WOW lol creepy :p

She just left and I was sitting there. My brother (He's mentally ill) was in the car, too.

But I guess crime makes yo usilly, too. She couldn't figure out the door was unlocked xP

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She just left and I was sitting there. My brother (He's mentally ill) was in the car, too.
But I guess crime makes yo usilly, too. She couldn't figure out the door was unlocked xP
ohh what did she do after ?

She just left and I was sitting there. My brother (He's mentally ill) was in the car, too.
But I guess crime makes yo usilly, too. She couldn't figure out the door was unlocked xP
did you tell your mom? I can't get over that... and how she was so stupid she couldn't figure out it was unlocked! I would of started crying! lol and then I would of actully locked all the doors!

She just got into her car and left. Then I locked all the doors.

I swear I heard her say "Screw it..." when she turned around.

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The scariest thing that has ever happened to me, is that I was locked in the bathroom with no one in the house and it was nighttime. XD

This happened when I was 8.

Well, my mom and dad and sister said they'd be back in 10 minutes. They went away and I was alone. :p I went to the bathroom and all of a sudden I relized I was locked in. (The only way to unlock it is for someone to unlock it from the outside) There were no windows in the bathroom. My parents left me in the evning so it soon became dark. Also, the light in the bathroom for out! I kept hearing strange noises in the dark. Like scrap, scarp. Or pit, pit, pit, pit. XD! My parents were late. They were away for an hour. So I was locked in for an hour. They finally got me out! :p

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I have 4 bathrooms in my home.

Most of them unlock from the inside.

Only one, (which I think is haunted) unlocks from the outside.

When I was 12 or 13, I was alone in a car with my friends Ines (Not spiffy) and Mandy (I've known them since I was 8 in 1994, which was 12-13 years ago. We all moved to Seatlle coincidencly.) and Ines's older brother who was 16 at the time, had went with Ines's mom into a store, leaving us alone in the car. There was really tall man, and he had a gun. He was looking in the cars for people to shoot. I saw the man, fotunatly he hadn't seen us yet. "Ines, Mandy, that man is trying to shoot us! We better lock down and keep as quiet as possible. The doors are locked, he can't come in." I whispered to Mandy and Ines. "He's getting closer! Lock Down!" Said Mandy. We Locked down In the car. The man passed thinking no one was inside. The rest I don't remeber.


When I was 12 or 13, I was alone in a car with my friends Ines (Not spiffy) and Mandy (I've known them since I was 8 in 1994, which was 12-13 years ago. We all moved to Seatlle coincidencly.) and Ines's older brother who was 16 at the time, had went with Ines's mom into a store, leaving us alone in the car. There was really tall man, and he had a gun. He was looking in the cars for people to shoot. I saw the man, fotunatly he hadn't seen us yet. "Ines, Mandy, that man is trying to shoot us! We better lock down and keep as quiet as possible. The doors are locked, he can't come in." I whispered to Mandy and Ines. "He's getting closer! Lock Down!" Said Mandy. We Locked down In the car. The man passed thinking no one was inside. The rest I don't remeber.

Holy snot thats scary!

the scariest thing that has ever happend to me was about 3 years ago. I was with Reanna (you may know her, she is the one that puts ~Reanna at the end of her post) and we were in our room. suddenly we heard our names beging called in a voice that sounded just like ours. we looked around and saw nothing. then we heard it again. we looked behind us (we were playing sims) and saw a person that looked just like us for about a split second. I sware you would have thought we had a dead triplet or somthing. scary.....


Mine is seeing Callums face first thing in the morning 0_o Lol :p Thats one of them.

I think my Scariest moment was going to my best mates house and we did a sayonce (sp?) nd we had a candle in the middle and I had a glass of water,and we just held ands and said "Is anyone there?" And the glass of water spilt and formed into letters saying NPGA (No Please Go Away) and then the glass flew off the table and smashed and all the lights went out O_O :) :) :) :)

P.s Take my Advice.... NEVER DO WHAT ME AND MY FRIEND DID!!! Your life will change forever....

-fp :eek:

my scary moment was when i went to wimarleigh hall and had to climb a trapeze. sort of like a pole anyway we had to climb right to the top!!

it was so high (cant rermember what height)

it was scarey looking down i was scared the rope might snap and i would fall...

My scariest moment was when I was swimming in a pool with my little brother and I swam down to the bottom (this was when I was about 7) and my brother was floating on a lilo and I was coming up from the bottom of the pool, really out of breath. I had to get to the air - but my brother's lilo floated above me just as i was trying to emerge. I couldn't get out of the water - I really had run out of air so I swam along with all the energy I could muster and the LILO FLOATED THERE TOO. I was trapped and I thought I would die...luckily my brothers' lilo floated away and I managed to emerge and grab onto the side, panting but shivering with fear. X.X

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