What's the weirdest thing you ever did?


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2007
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Haha for me, it was going through the halls at school screaming "NYAGHHHHH!!!" at random people with my friend Midori.

Um. Well. Gosh. Where do I start? XD The ones on the top of my memory would be:

Dancing in public. And getting noticed for it. o__x

Wearing black shorts, blue over the knee socks, and hiking boots.

Waking up in the middle of the night playing air guitar in my sleep.

Saying RIDICULOUS things in my sleep.

Yeah. There's more. I know it.

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Watching my Dad ecsersize in public weirdly and also accedently thought another man was my dad and i hugged him B)

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I was climbing my frontyard tree this morning and i sang "Just Dance" from Lady Gaga and then a lady walked by my front sidewalk

peeing on my friend. o.o Yeah, for real.


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peeing on my friend. o.o Yeah, for real.
I have to admit, I laughed at that...

Shoving a whole taco in my mouth at lunch at school XD

For sure that's not the weirdest thing I've done, but all well...

I have to admit, I laughed at that...
haha i was up in a tree, and she was directly below me. It was hilarious.

Anyway, I attempted to make soup last week. not the best idea xD

Ughh, this is hard. I guess...

Walking thru the halls at school holding my ID up to random people and singing "This is Why I'm Hot."

When going from Science to Chorus, I went outside in the rain singing the F-U-N song and spinning in circles.

Drawing on my face for Spirit Day.

I have some form of OCD and I don't like even numbers.

So I kissed Andy, but I still wasn't happy so I kissed Bradie.

I was like 'No, I kissed two guys. That's not good.'

So I kissed Shaun!

OCD is fun.

Me and my friends were walking to the store and I ran up to some random old dude and yelled,"OMG!YOU HAVE A BEARD!!"

I don't know.

But today I froze lemonade in the water ice-freezing-compartments. Fuuun!

So now I can have my water with lemonade ice! That's not too weird though.

There's too many to recall.

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sulked in a corner outside the ERC

Screaming shark at everyone while I was body boarding

make imaginary friends (still have them O.O)

went to my crush and yelled "WHAT DO YOU SEE IN MACEY?"

Macey is the girl he's dating :furawatchi:

is this supposed to be fun stuff?

ah well...

When I was 3, I stuck my tongue in an electrical outlet. Glad I lived.

Also when I was little, my family was driving on the highway, & I was in the backseat with paper and crayons, and I drew a sign that said "HELP ME" and held it to the car window, and all the cars that passed us started slowing down and beeping and my parents were like "wth?"

A couple of weeks ago I started singing Obsessed by Mariah Carey in the hallways and my teacher turned out to be right behind me, she said something funny.. but I forget.

Well back in school one day... I walked the halls at lunch by myself in the closed off section bause other classes were going on. Walked in circled around the school. I turned on all my Tama's sound because I was sitting down out of the way. Eating lunch.... I forgot they echoed really bad in the hall... They ALL went off at once by a miracle and.... Well a few teachers heard and just looked at me. I was like... Sorry, didn't mean to disturb your class. They all pointed back to the lunch room.

Then I think one day I was actually singing and dancing in the hall at Lunch time.... I was in a hugely good mood. It is SO rare for me to even be dancing, let alone singing in my house.... Now I was in public. People came around the corner because they were comming back from the collage classes for the morning. These people saw me and asked... Are you okay.....................? Knowing I DON'T do that in publc at all... I was like... SO....... I think I ate like 2/3 boxes of pocky in my previous class before lunch. When I calmed down later that night... I was like... I was super happy at lunch. Sat down quiet the next few days. (I ate pocky normally in the class before lunchall the time, normally just a pouch.... But someone wanted some too and we were BOTH nuts for the rest of the day)

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