whats the weirdest thing you ever did?


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2010
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This is a remake...so yah

I had a barefoot race in the snow with my friend

Drank wasabi and soysauce for 20 bucks

held a frog in my mouth for 10 seconds

and...woke up from a dream yelling "But grandma I want cookies too!"

All these things were dares so you know...except the last one.

So what about you? Any weird things you've done?

Lick my boyfriends sock... hehe

Made snails race up a wall, couldn't get them down.

Tried to pop off and accidentally did a...

I'm 10, actually, but i've only had 2 and you should see the kids in my school, some have had 80, and in the other school I heard that some kids have already... shall not go that far...

Those people are called liars :( .

And it's unhealthy to be in a romantic relationship before late high school, by the way.


If someone has 80 gf/bfs, they're lying or it's not a real relationship. And what are you going to do with a boyfriend at that age? You can't properly go out on a date, making out is probably out of the question. I think a lot of people nowadays that are that young don't know the meaning of having a girl/boyfriend.

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Yer, my brain will explode and my organs will rot. >.>.

Those people weren't lying, they actually basically scarred me for what they said to me.

But anyways.

Ate dandruff.

Ate my hair.

I give up, feel what you are but I know he wasn't lying.

I eat tissues, yum. (Actually when I'm extremely hungry)

BurntSnow is a liar. He says he's 12! LIES! COMMUNIST LIES!

I once spent 50 minutes in MHtri worshiping a Royal Ludroth.

I would take bread up to my room, eat it then peel off the crusts and put them behind my bed. Yuck.

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