What's the weirdest thing...


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
What's the weirdest thing that your teacher has ever said to you? Or maybe to your best friend?

Mine is (while whispering behind a stack of papers) "Hannah, your shirt's just a little to big for you. Try moving it so boys can't see your goodies."

After that, I went all o_O "Yes, Mrs.Davis."

Mr K's scientifical.

He's like ''Ksenia! You haven't reached your four levels of mastery in the seven timestables yet!''. I'm all like ''wtf?''.

And he calls pens byros. And he calls our school diaries ''Daily organisers including tips and awards''.

He's a small guy, about 54 years old. And maybe about 5'2 or 5'3. Even Jen's taller than him and thats quite surprising.

Mr K's scientifical.
He's like ''Ksenia! You haven't reached your four levels of mastery in the seven timestables yet!''. I'm all like ''wtf?''.

And he calls pens byros. And he calls our school diaries ''Daily organisers including tips and awards''.

He's a small guy, about 54 years old. And maybe about 5'2 or 5'3. Even Jen's taller than him and thats quite surprising.
xD I'm taller than him then. And by a 43 year difference...

We were having a whole lecture about showering at school, and she said, "SCRUB THOSE BODY PARTS, KIDS!"..


What's the weirdest thing that your teacher has ever said to you? Or maybe to your best friend?
Mine is (while whispering behind a stack of papers) "Hannah, your shirt's just a little to big for you. Try moving it so boys can't see your goodies."

After that, I went all o_O "Yes, Mrs.Davis."

A teacher at my old school was giving demotrasions (sp?) about apostrophes cause the kids keep on using them wrongly, so she was writing on the board:

Jake's bicycle

Sarah's chair

Dori's balls

Then everyone started laughing including her. (BTW the people used up there are actual students. Dori was laughing too) She did it on purpose cause she is so awesomey. Her husband plays the ukalele (sp?)

EDIT: On Wendsday a guy is coming in to tell us about Sex Ed. (were in 7th grade) Sure there will be lots to write about then 0_0

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Ryan asked Mrs. Tyner what we were doing in fifth hour, and she said, "Your mom."

Charbiebarbie told us we needed to get our ears out of our butts and listen to the news more often. x.o

Mr. Engels noticed Hannah wasn't talking during choir (which is unusual) and was like, "It's not over a boy, is it? HE'S NOT WORTH IT! I specifically said "The boy must be approved by Engels before any dating whatsoever may occur," And, as I said, I APPROVE OF NONE!"

In PE we were about to start our laps and, because we had a combined PE day with A day class and all of the obnoxious boys were finally united, Staulby yelled "I WANT YOU TO RUN FOUR LAPS WITHOUT TOUCHING EACHOTHERS' BEHINDS!" because they always spank eachother when they run.. I have yet to understand why.

In Religion we were talking about the seven deadly sin and my teacher Mr Gordan was using examples from 'everyday life.' These are what I can remember.

Envy, 'I want to be a pretty, tall, SRC member just like her.'

Lust, 'I like to stare at the hot boys on my bus.'

Wrath, 'I was so angry at her for stealing my boyfriend.'

Sloth, 'I just want to lay in bed, eat chocolate and watch Gossip Girl all day.'

Pride, 'Wow, my hair looks great today!'

(I can't remember what he said for greed and gluttony.)

And this is coming from my forty-something, male, Religious Education teacher. So it was just a little weird.

I remember last year we had a relief teacher (a substitute). This guy wanted to go to the toilet, but the teacher didn't let him. He kept on begging, she didnt let him. She eventually yelled out ''IF YOU WANNA PEE PEE, GO PEE PEE IN THIS BOWL IN FRONT OF THE CLASS!''. We all stared, than cracked up laughing.

Eh, good times.

Uh... my teacher is incredibly scary, she's always asking how I am, and she's too nice. Once she forgot that we were supposed to stay in for five minutes, and we actually stayed in for fifteen, then she came, and went straight up to me and started apologzing. I was all, "Um... it's fine..." I was thinking, Help... is she going to explode? She's apologizing too much... So I just walked away to next lesson.

Um... last year my teacher said that "Boys only have inapropiate spots in this area and girls have inapropiate spots in this area of the body" And then I went to the bathroom twitching

I remember last year we had a relief teacher (a substitute). This guy wanted to go to the toilet, but the teacher didn't let him. He kept on begging, she didnt let him. She eventually yelled out ''IF YOU WANNA PEE PEE, GO PEE PEE IN THIS BOWL IN FRONT OF THE CLASS!''. We all stared, than cracked up laughing.
Eh, good times.
My my! xD

Kay, today I just shouted at my teacher. He was saying swear words and I said it's bad. He said it wasn't. We fought. xD Then he told me to write -badword- 200 times. ARGG! My mother is going to kill me if I write this word 200 times. Ya. O_O

Oh em gee. o.o

I had this supply teacher last year, and he was PERV. He'd look down other girls shirts, pull their bra straps, flirt with them, and make them bend down purposefully.

Supposedly, he was almost banned from teaching, but they gave him another chance.

He let us losten to songs about sex and drugs, as well.

At first, I didn't believe all that nonsense. Until one day, I HEARD him sweet talking to my friend, saying things that could have been something sexual, but weren't exactly direct. o_O

And he made a girl stay after school, and she reported he "fixed" her bra strap.

We had this supply teacher for two weeks while my original teacher was quite sick.

The weirdest and CREEPIEST thing he ever said to our class?

He bent down, picked up a piece of grey plastic from the ground, held it in the air, and said loudly, "Who's condom is this?"

The whole class went dead silent.

Then he said, "Come on, I know it's somebodies in here. Tell me; whos been naughty?"

Nobody said anything.

Finally, he laughed and said, "I was kidding! It's not a condom, don't worry." then threw it out.

Like, what the heck? He was messed in the head. My mom says if I ever have him as a supply teacher again, I didn't have to go to class. x)

Once, our gym teacher had to teach us Sex Ed. It's a good thing I already knew about all of this. Her exact words: "If you have sex before you get married, you will get pregnant, and DIE." Just like in that one movie Mean Girls xD

Teachers have said weirder things, but I don't remember anything at the moment.

Mr.Rowell insisted that in the musical wicked, elphaba was really evil.



My English teacher is a creep. O_O

When we were reading Romeo & Juliet, he insisted that the only reason Romeo ever pursued Juliet is because he wanted sex.

Uhm... he says creepy perverted things on a daily basis. My friend and I discuss them everyday at lunch. =]

But unfortunately, I can't really think of anymore right now. D;

My class has a dirty mind, so when my teacher was talking about How certian sounds can be mistaken for others in spelling, she said "Like, "santa said "Ho Ho Ho!" So the Ho sound.."

Our class reads too much into things :furawatchi:

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