what's the worst thing you've ever done?


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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
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what is the worst thing you've ever done? dont be afraid of being embarresed. B) :p

my friend smeared dog poo on this one kid's face. i felt bd for him. B) but it was really funny. :p :D

Well,when i was a bit younger i used to tell heaps of fibs well....not heaps,but you know,i got my friends in trouble preety bad eh?

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I used to eat soap. Like the foam on bubble-bath. I also used to eat sponge. Sponge and foam. I had a very weird appetite when I was young.

I used to EAT (not chew, actually swallow) whole rolls of bubble tape. oops. :mellow: not the worst thing ive ever done, but Snowy, you made me think of it.

I used to EAT (not chew, actually swallow) whole rolls of bubble tape. oops. :mellow: not the worst thing ive ever done, but Snowy, you made me think of it.
I did that!

For me, being born! :\

I know this is pretty bad... but this was when I was little and didn't know any better.

I passed a note during a 50pt social studies test and the teacher caught me and I got a 0. I was too emberassed to tell my mom, so I pretty much worried my self sick. Literally. I was so nervous, I had a fever. Luckily I didn't go to school the next day because of it, and that was the day I was supposed to go to the principals office. Then the teacher called my parents, and I got in HUGE trouble. Worst mistake of my life. ):

Probably... OK, my sister used to tell me stupid lies when I was younger, and I believed them. So one time she told me if I stayed in the bathtub too long, I'd rust, and it eventually got around to my mom. She got in trouble, blah blah blah, then I turned into demon child... Later, she was walked by the bed, and I jumped off onto her back, grabbed a handful of her hair, and started smacking her face on the floor. O_O Really hard.. XD

I also shot a kid the finger because he and his older friends were throwing rocks at my younger cousin and calling her names. So... Yeah...

When I was 10 I ate a lot of my sister's birthday cake and blamed it on my other sister. I still feel bad about it. :-(

Um, let me think...... Oh yeah!

My babysitter was REALLY mean one time, and she kept yelling at me because I tried to play with my baby sister,because she was crying. But the babysitter wouldn't play with mny sister, or even look at her! She juist sat there yelling at me when I tried to! So I got sick of it, so I cryed and ran to my room to make her think I left the room. But I really sat in the hall outside my bedroom door. And she was sirtting there saying, "That little brat why can't she just like, dissapear or something. I hate her, shes so, ugh!" I think she was talking on the phone. So I ran in the kitchen and grabbed rthe ohther phone and listened to her conversation, then I said,"Atleast me,AnnaGrace, doesn't pick her nose and stick it on her friends!" then her friend screamed, EEEEEW! *name here* you do that!" and she started trying to cover up for it, then she said she'd call her back. So I made her think I went in my room again, but I really went in the livving room and got the cordless phone, then I made ehr think I went outside, and she ran outside. So I locked her out and called my parents to say she locked me out, and they came straight home. Then, she still thought I was hiding outside, so I opend and slammed the back door, to make her think I came inside. Then I ran through the house, and hid, and when she came in and left the room, I went outside and locked myself out. So she didn't know I was out there. So I was sitting in tjhe driveway crying when my parents got home, and I never got in trouble. But she, she got fired. :rolleyes:


Awesome story, WannaBex3! xDD

I honestly wouldn't feel bad about doing that. Your babysitter got what she deserved! :rolleyes:

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Um, let me think...... Oh yeah! My babysitter was REALLY mean one time, and she kept yelling at me because I tried to play with my baby sister,because she was crying. But the babysitter wouldn't play with mny sister, or even look at her! She juist sat there yelling at me when I tried to! So I got sick of it, so I cryed and ran to my room to make her think I left the room. But I really sat in the hall outside my bedroom door. And she was sirtting there saying, "That little brat why can't she just like, dissapear or something. I hate her, shes so, ugh!" I think she was talking on the phone. So I ran in the kitchen and grabbed rthe ohther phone and listened to her conversation, then I said,"Atleast me,AnnaGrace, doesn't pick her nose and stick it on her friends!" then her friend screamed, EEEEEW! *name here* you do that!" and she started trying to cover up for it, then she said she'd call her back. So I made her think I went in my room again, but I really went in the livving room and got the cordless phone, then I made ehr think I went outside, and she ran outside. So I locked her out and called my parents to say she locked me out, and they came straight home. Then, she still thought I was hiding outside, so I opend and slammed the back door, to make her think I came inside. Then I ran through the house, and hid, and when she came in and left the room, I went outside and locked myself out. So she didn't know I was out there. So I was sitting in tjhe driveway crying when my parents got home, and I never got in trouble. But she, she got fired. :rolleyes:

Oh god am I lucky to Babysit and not be Babysat o.o If they did that to me, I would go to my room and fall asleep. Or make a mess and blame it on the Baby sitter. Or better yet (This may sound cruel) Turn the over on and burn yourself or Baby sister. Surely get her in trouble

Wow WannaBex3, that IS amazing. It was brilliant!

Okay, so when I was little I was a BRAT. A huge brat! So my cousin, Cody, about a year older than me, were playing. (I think I was four, he was five.) But he wouldn't listen to me or do what I say. So I said, "Cody get up and turn around, NOW!" so he did. And I put my nAils into his back and ran them down his back. He screamed and started crying and I told him not to tell mamw or I would do it again, so he listened to me. But Mamaw was putting him into the shower when she saw these red lines down his back, and she asked me about it. I said I didn't do anything, but Cody ratted me out, and I got in trouble. I did it again, in public, in front of alot of people though. I think it was at Walmart... But papaw made me sit in the buggy, and made Cody walk. We were both screaming and crying.

Don't tell me, I know I was a devil child. xD

Lol, I had to do something to get her fired. I never felt bad about it, I felt pretty good. That was when my sis was like... nine months old and I was about six years old. It was fun watching her try to explain and everything, I was there crying but I wanted to be laughing SOOO much!


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