Whats up with him?


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Dec 14, 2008
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Heres the story.

This guy liked me, like, ALOT, and I didn't like him but I was beginning too.... he was and is on my mind alot lately. On the weekend he asked me out and I said I'd think about it. He said okay.

I haven't talked to him since Saturday.....I think he blocked me and he hasn't been returning my texts.

I called him from my friends house, and when my friend asked him if he still wanted to go out with me, he said no and hung up. I was shocked. He had asked me out, and now only after a mere few days, he's changed his mind? It's like he's mad at me, or that he hates me now.

I feel the desperate need to talk to him!

What do I do, guys? :|

Oh wow. Thats a tough one.

Pull him aside, talk to him in private, ask him whats wrong or something like that. Tell him you were gonna say yes, or that you like him.

I'm sorry, I have no other ideas :[

Thanks, but thats a little hard to do....

We go to different schools.

We only see eachother when we go to the mall together, or at community dances.....

^ Hmm, judging from what you said, it doesn't seem like you guys are that close.

So you say you were beginning to like him and, I assume, going to accept his offer and go out with him? Well then, that's a tough one. Send him a text explaining everything if you can't speak to him (which is not good, because you two seriously need to talk) and - unless he deleted it before opening - he'll respond if he's a decent enough guy.

It sounds like he may be feeling hurt, heard some false rumour about you, misunderstood you not getting back to him fast enough, or he's just moved on. Either way, you don't need a guy in your life, and don't feel bad if things don't work out. Good luck!

Who knows with guys like that? They decide it's not worth it, or get insulted, or find someone else.... It's too complicated for me. I stick to 'just friends' flirting.

He's probably upset because you waited so long to tell him whether or not you'd go out with him - and in cases like this, a few days in fact can be a long time. Who wants to be an edge for days, wondering if who you like is going to reject you or not?

But he's obviously taking it a little... personally, or a little too harshly. I'm one to take a long time thinking about going out with someone before I commit myself, too.

There's really not much you can do. You can't make him listen, you can't make him like you again, you can't make him understand. All you can do is wait it out, and let him know that you're here if he ever wants to talk again. If he really wants to be with you, he'll come back.

Here's what I think it is with boys. They are raging with hormones :furawatchi: If you don't give them what they need want right away , they go to someone else who can give it to them. Most girls like to take it slow , while most boys like to move quickly an get to where they wanna be. Lets pretend your relation ship is like a movie. He's watching this movie with you. But its SO slow. So , he gets up , leaves , and go watches and action movie with another girl. but while your so in-tune with this slow movie, you haven't even realized he's gone until the movie is over. Kinda see what I'm saying? :mametchi: Think about.


Ps- You might want to get a boys opinion on this.

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