What's wrong with my music star?


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Have you tried new batteries? but that sounds more like a glitch than an "I need more juice" kind of thing. it could be the batteries company, or you may just have an unfotunate glitch, the music star does have some button lag, so it may be that the lag has gone to the point where the buttons just don't work anymore, if you have a glitchy tama there's not much you can do, getting a new one is an option though.

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Instead of downloading, why don't you try reseting? Maybe it will get better then. Or, the battery might of run out completly the moment you were on that option, so i do recommend putting new batteries. You can look at the battery to see if there is any stickiness on it, or where you've put it (if you just put the battery in recently).

I went to Batteries Plus and got new batteries. It was still acting up but now Kevin, Ann and the baby girl are living their life normally. :) Kevin is my tamagotchi and Ann is his wife. I was naming them after a character and an actress in the same movie. :)

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I know why. Did you spill water on it? Because i had a V4 and i spilled water on it and it did exactly the same thing. Take the battery out and wait for 1 minuite. Then put the batteries in again. It worked for my V4. Tell me if it worked or not.

Usually if it's just a water spill, like tamatown123 said, then you just take out the battery, flip it over so the battery flap is facing down so the water has someplace to exit, and wait for a while. Sometimes it only takes a minute, sometimes it's best to leave it overnight. It also helps if you bury it in dry, uncooked rice - rice sucks the moisture out of anything it can ;) I learned this handy trick from Jolty's post, you can see it here:


It could be that something is gumming up the buttons.

I made some instructions for opening your tama to replace them, but cleaning them off works just the same way (my little brother got Play Doh in his once... that was an interesting day 0.o)


I hope you get it fixed soon! Pikachi out.

I agree with Pikatchi, I think in this situation you should keep the V6 without the battery overnight. Dr. Pikatchi's instructions also look very usefull, there are many options you can try (I'm sure one of them will work).

Reply back to us after trying these options.

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