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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
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My friends say im a great singer, toatally hot, and great to be around...BUT I CANT GET A DATE!


That's common, actually. A lot of gorgeous models and actresses say it's hard to get a date, too. It can be really frustrating when people tell you you're a great person...and you just can't find a guy! lol I used to be really bothered by my datelessness, but then as I started to get older and get out more, I started to get a good number of dates. I think it just has a lot to do with making yourself available and approachable. I'm not talking about acting cheap or trashy...that's a very bad idea....just getting out there in the world, making new friends, and being comfortable around people. You will soon start meeting lots of boys! :rolleyes:

I just hate it when i talk to a boy and they tell me they like me...and then i ask them out out and they say what no way.

It's common don't worry I didn't get a real date until high school ( now ) but theres nothing wrong with you.

Nothing is wrong with you. A lot of people dont get dates even if they are really pretty. ITs no biggie, you will get a date when you get older

Uhm, it depends on which age group you are in and on your area.

Here at our school, kids usually start 'dating' in Middle School.


If you are young and most boys your age might not be interested in dating.. or some guys are just shy.



You shouldn't rush it.

It also depend on your attitude, even if the most beautiful don't have dates, unless it depends on your attitude..

But anyways, looks like someone needs to lay off watching Disney Channel and shows related like to the newest Disney Channel shows, and if you're 10.. well.. that explains itself..

You're 10. No 10 year old can be hot. You can say a 10 year old is cute, pretty, or handsome, but not hot.


Wait until you're a teenager before you begin to date so you can have a real relationship. [/noflame]



They might just not want to date yet.

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10 year olds can't be hot. As you are 13 or 14, maybe even 15, your hips start to grow out a bit and makes your butt look bigger. Sometimes you just have a flat body. I have the curved body (lucky me...?) and a lot of guys think that's hot (not me, but the curved bodies) I usually can't get boyfriends either. But I have some 11th grade friends and they're never had a real boyfriend and thats hard to believe because they are INSANELY pretty.

Give it time. You're only 10.

If you wait until you're older, your relationships will last longer than they would now. Plus, when you're older, there will be more boys you can date. Most 10-year-old boys I know of can't date.

Relax, you don't have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to be a cool person.

There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with anyone in this world. And if you're only 10, just give it time. I'm told that I'm pretty and I haven't had a boyfriend, and I'm 12 years old. Stuff like that just takes time.

Everyone who didnt make fun of my age..thank you
^_^ :( :angry: :( :angry: :( :angry: :( :angry: :(
Sweetie I don't think they were making fun of you there just saying your a bit to young for a boyfriend no offense by the way.

It dosen't matter. I'm in 7th grade and I'm dateless. I've had two freaks ask me out and I turned them both down. :ichigotchi:

I had one of my friends ask me out and I actually qiute liked him but I turned him down too. I don't want to have to worry about boys yet.

(though I might go out with the nice guy when I'm older and I told him so! :ichigotchi: )

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