What's your desktop wallpaper?


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My desktop is me and my best friend when we went to New Bronezville(SP).My uncle scared me and I jumped into the tube with him.My mom wanted a picture so it was us in the tube,smiling and hugging.We had so much fun.

My favorite Jpop group, Arashi!!!~ :) (they're my avatar too) If you don't know who they are go to wikipedia.com~

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on my laptop is a wallpaper with the caracters from the tamagotchi movie.

on the regular computer (I'm on it right now XD) is the new littlest pet shop bat that my sister put on :kusatchi: it's been there for months! and she won't dare let anyone change it :kusatchi:


^ Lol. And you seem pretty happy 'bout that. xD

I used to have one with Luigi on it. Yes, Luigi from the Mario games. xDD I love him! Luigi is awesomeee.

Mine is a wallpaper I got off my copy of Sonic Heroes for the PC. It's the Team Dark one. ( :huh: )

Tama ^_^ Phantom

I'm at my dad's, but my one at home is Espa Roba from YGO when he looses. :3

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