What's your favorite April Fools prank?


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Once my friend and I were fooling around at my house when he decided to pull a prank on our gullible pal. I agreed so we made up a script of what we were going to say and made a prank call. When she answered the phone I said in a quivery voise: Count Olaf is in my room and he wants to speak to you. Then my friend said : help us!

M e: please!

Dennis(my friend, also playing Count Olaf) give me the phone, you little brat!

Me: ( made a noise like someone hit me)

Dennis: Don't you go nosing into our business, or you will all pay!!!! If you tell a soul about this, youll be sorry.

Then I drew fake scars on our arms and ankles (which looked very realistic)

The next day we came to school with he scars and told her the Hook Handed Man scratche dus with his hooks.


I went to my friend's houde real early in the morning and put plastic wrap over the doorway because she sleeps with her door open. Then I set her alarm to go off in five minutes and hid in her closet. When the alarm went off she freaked out and tried to run out of her room only to get scared of the plastic wrap, it was a clasic!

I went to my friend's houde real early in the morning and put plastic wrap over the doorway because she sleeps with her door open. Then I set her alarm to go off in five minutes and hid in her closet. When the alarm went off she freaked out and tried to run out of her room only to get scared of the plastic wrap, it was a clasic!
Wow! That's a good one! :eek:

omg! one time me and my step sisters told my brother that there was a gang called the april foolers and they pulled pranks on people till the pranks got so bad that they died. and we told him that if someone ever threw an egg at him that had a word on it that he was the next victom. well we threw one egg at him(we emptied the yolk out) and he FLIPPED! he started screaming that he was going to be murdered and no one beleived him. we threw 3 eggs that day at him. they added up saying "april fools bro!"

I went to my friend's houde real early in the morning and put plastic wrap over the doorway because she sleeps with her door open. Then I set her alarm to go off in five minutes and hid in her closet. When the alarm went off she freaked out and tried to run out of her room only to get scared of the plastic wrap, it was a clasic!
xD That's hilarious, good ideas for next year ^^

Once we put my brothers hamster in the kitchen pantry, he panicked and started like running around the house trying to find it. It wasn't the best one, but it was funny.

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