What's your favorite Stephenie Meyer book?


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I dont really like her so none. I'm not one of the twilght-obsesed girls

[SIZE=8pt]Breaking Dawn is by far the worst and The Host is the best.[/SIZE]

But they all suck.


I'm awed that New Moon could be anyone's favorite. I read about a novel a week, and in my lifetime I have read over 300 books. New Moon was the worst book I've ever read in my life. Having read a LOT of books, I can say that's pretty bad.

I liked Eclipse best, although the entire series was mediocre at best. It is tragically overhyped. The characters are static and the story is melodramatic. Not to mention I think it is a terrible romantic model for young, impressionable young girls. Edward is a controlling creep. I would not want any daughter of mine worshiping this 'Saga.'

I am twenty, by the way, if it makes a difference.

Of the Twilight Saga, I thought Eclipse was the best.

Looking at the poll results, hardly anyone likes it...

Ugh Twilight. GO TEAM POTTER. haha ;)

Anyways her writing is horrible and she uses the same SAT words over and over again. As my friend summed it up...

"Twilight is about a pedophile centenarian sparkly creeper vampire that watches underage girls through windows and stalks them. The girl is a dumb witted girl who if beaten by said vampire would come running back to him any day since she is seriously lacking in common sense."

Everyone so far has agreed with this summary.

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