What's your favorite videogame?


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Wow.. Everyone's favorite games are Nintendo Games.

I Think I'll go for:

1.Call Of Duty 4

2. Guitar hero 3

3. Forza Motorsport 2.

4. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.

I don't play very much video games. But anyways, Tamagotchi: Party On!, and most of all...


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Mainly Fire Emblem 10, Guitar Hero 3, and Halo 3. Sometimes I play Guitar Hero 2, and Rock Band.

Since I can't play 2 Pokemon games at once without getting hooked to one of them, my current favorite is the Pokemon Crystal/Gold/Silver series. I'm about to beat Crystal, I just have to battle Ash then I've beaten it. But I'm still going to try and catch every Pokemon I can in the game. I can't find my Gold version but I'm going to GameStop either today or tommorrow to get a used Silver version. I had one but it was in my old Gameboy Color and I lost that 8 or 9 years ago =( so I'll just buy Silver again. Hopefully they'll have it.

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