What's your hair colour?


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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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Mines is dark brown.

I noticed all the redheads i know are nice so i made this topic xD

random, really

^ Mhm. When I was a baby, I too had super light blonde hair. Mine's getting darker, but it's still natural golden blonde.

Yay for blondies. x3

Uber dark brown, it looks black. And when i'm in the sun, it looks white O:

A lighter shade of brown. It's a LITTLE lighter on the bottom due to past highlights what wore off.

On the top it is dark..

my hairs brown but its becoming blonde because of the sun!

Turn the sun off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the outside? Brunette. A goldy brunette which looks totally different depending on which light you see it in.

On the inside? Blonde. Platinum blonde. XD

Blonde hair with natural brownish streaks and natural waves.And no,I'm not kidding.

My hair is auburn. It can't be classified as brown, red, or blonde. I've never died it. When I was little I had spirally gold hair, and now it's auburn. But I voted red. ;)

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