What's your life path?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Hello everyone, Numerology is similar to Astrology and has got to do with your birthdate. You must add up all the digits in your birthdate to find out your Life Path number, and each one has a different meaning. Mine is in my signature. I was born on the 15th day of the 8th month in 1998...1998 + 15 + 8 = 2021, and 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5. So if you'd like to know your life path, tell me what number you get when you add up your birthdate (or tell it to me so I can work it out for you ;) ) and I will tell you what it means!

Here are the meanings so far...

Life Path 6 suggests that you entered this plane with tools to become the ultimate nurturer, and a beacon for truth, justice, righteousness, and democracy. Your maternal instincts with a 6 Life Path exceed all others by a considerable marigin. Whether in the home or the work place, you are the predominant caretaker and family head.

Life Path 9 indicates you have a commanding presence. You have the ability to make friends easily, as people are attracted to your magnetic, open personality. The term "hail-fellow" may have been coined to describe a 9 Life Path, as you may indeed be one of those who is generally upbeat and heartily friendly and congenial. You meet people easily and are quickly befriended because of your openness and amiable demeanor. Your genial ways often put you in the lead of whatever field you endeavor to pursue.

And to answer TamaMum's question, I just got that stuff from a book and spent hours typing it all out exactly :lol: . I found a link, but the meanings aren't as descriptive as the ones from the book: https://numerology.findyourfate.com/


ARGH! I'm too lazy to write out the exact meaning from the book, word for word!


I'll have the meanings ready in a couple hours, guys.

You already know what 5 would be by reading my siggy. :) And go to the link to read about your life path because I'm to lazy to type out stuff from the book. Sorry. :wacko:

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I got number 3. I went to that website, and here's what I got:

3. Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.

Anything more descriptive?

I got number 3. I went to that website, and here's what I got:

3. Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.

Anything more descriptive?
Okay...here's three...

Life Path 3 indicates that you entered this plane with a strong sense of creativity and with wonderful communication skills. Achievement for you most likely comes through engaging your ingenious expression. A truly gifted 3 posesses the most exceptional innovative skills, normally in the verbal realm, writing, speaking, acting, or similar endeavours. Here we are apt to find the entertainers of the world, bright, effervescent, sparkling people with very optimistic attitudes.

There you have it! I might answer the other ones when I have the time. :pochitchi:

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